ers vviggleswortn of Shaker H eigbts, Cleveland are arrivùng this Saturday,. to be bere.untilý of Mrs.Wig glesworth'Ss sster, Miss Vir-_ ginia Lee Grahiarn, to Charles Riggs Sprowl, Saturday eve- ning, January 15. Mr. and Mrs., Wiggieswortb will be the guests of> Mr., and Mrs. Ray Phelps Hoover of Evanston. Mrs. Wig- glesworth is to be niatron of honor. Three parties -in December coni- menced the festivities attendant upon the-wedding. 1Mrs. Charles E. Carey of Evanston was hostess at a lunch- ton, bridge, and crystal shower on of Mfr. and MIrs. Ç. Arthur R( Rockford. Miss Payne attended Connecti lege and was graduated froni Western university, where she member of D)elta Gamma. -Hei is a graduate of tbe Univeî Illinois and a nmember of Beta Pi. No date bas beset for tl ding. Assisting agt the tea were Mr J. Ramsey of Glencoc. Mrs. Cogswell and Mrs. A. E. Bos Evanston. XvMrs. Mlaynard Rule' '}arry Wbie and Mrs. M ýDarby. of: Winnte-ka.,anid.Mr. E two sisters, MXrs-. Warren Byri Mrs. Marshall'Kjellstrumi of Ri At a1 Mr. and ir home on mas 1. sî:nips mc<)e, annoitin daughiter, 1NI Buixton Hot. r. and Mrs. L'à ai L " may *iims a~41taiiienibers of l, S"»lier fatniiiy are *ertertainiiig for Bllen i ifMiss Virginia IHealv, daighiter icut col- of MNr. and Mr.s. Xifiati F i. North- ci., 1 lealv, 20-5 2Meirose avenue, was Kenilworth, ani ber -fiatncé. r fiancé r4ty of< Richard Page, Suniderland. son a-Theta, of, M1r. antd.. Mrs. George Sunlder- :le WtC1- Jand .of ,1285 Asburv aventic, rs. 1"an1 Hubbard 'Woods.,i>efore thrir Harrie wedý.ding daày oti ý\edn-es1aV._ ssart of January. 19. y, 'Mrs. The middle'of Decemiber vlis it ,aynmun<l Hawxhurst of Evanston ýgae a luit Rôoh1en's for the bride-to-be, and ýon h11 aI 'u andl occasion announcemnent vas înadt Of bck fi bunui Miss Hawxhurst's enigagcentii. Ibc- cemnber 28, a second tea wa, .iu by Mrs. john L. Porter, Jr., of ES- anston at tbe home of. ber mnothlr., MsT_ WeiCr Kii>.#, 333 lxi- cester road, Kenilworth. d Mr. and «Mrs. Sunderland, tht- Sundfav b,idegroom's parents, and bissitr S.1 9)18 Betty, were host and hosfesses at ;a iced tbe cocktail party onSudy and inexi fargaret Sunda the bride's brother, \Vil1.ia11 p1ins of Healy, Jr., %viIl havc an cggtnog partv c:l)le at bornü. ~tepicn The bridc's au:it, Mrs. J. Ravniond4 Hik.Murphy, will 'entertain. at a receptioli formerly of Glenci at a luncheon, bt shower, Tbursday, january 7, Miss bell of Evanston, ai to have a tea and. c, WMII e nostess idge, and pantry January 6,ad irbara Ann Hub- ;o a bridesmaid, is athnshower. v 8. lames Alleni For lier marriage ta tlhe son of M'r. and Mrs. Richard T. Hosking i;! WVilinette. the bride' worc an ivory aevet dress zvit) elbozc lesiglh tulle veil and. an it'ory veivei' cap~, Site carried uthite roses and sinail white chrysanthenm,,ms. She and lier hus- band will li'c',e in Buffalo. is attucnuf e Lv Ier.slty OfWalter 1GC. Stiit - Jiof . iuetka ill and was gradluated f rom have. n university ini St. L.ouis. He A luticheon, andI kitchen showcri, i ýer of Sigina ÇCi fraternity. to h)e given by M Nr',. Richard Cagncv ibec» set for the wekling. Of ant, the former NIarv Lvndvi of Kei iiortii. jaiiuarv 14, anilti te vvenling of jaiuary 15. Mr. and Mlrs. - - l v ili a% c t uv ýbridai tiiiniir i e al WIJLMBTTE LIFE ý.32