rints ~1 O"and Up, With the mtoiiey you save on your new coat from Lord's you'I be able to afford one of these stunning new prints! Startling in color and pattern, they are just the sniart thing to' brighten up your new coa t. Fashion forecasts vaie styles of necklines and skirts, but al liips are sleek and slim-al figure$ willowy and graceful. Hlep yourself to an especially -av and festive mood! Junior and misses' suzes. *Readvi-tù- iWea' -Se'cond Flcor Cloth Coats *Beautiful i lavishly furred cloth coats, ail frorn our new, stoc! Marvelous materials such as Forstmann and Juilliard, ini almost anycolor you conld ask for. Furs include Skunk, Raccoon, Fitch, Beaver,,Kolinsky, Kit fox, Sq uirrel, Wolf., Brown Peran, Hudson Seal, Mole, Krimmer, Badger, Lynx, Fox, and Black Persian. They're ail brimming over w4ith vauel Nol al1 fabric s r 411jurs in every ize ad color Coats fornierly $58.00 to $69.50 now $00 Coats formerly $69.50 to *8M.00 now .$60.00 -~ JANUARy 6,1938 The NEW.