J'anutarv ,6 - wiIl be ol)served again this year. by the- North-, western University guild: w'It a gala dinner and p>ogran in the baronial hall. at Shawnee' Country club, ivhich has pro- iddaparticularlv appropriate setting' for s e v e r a 1I formnerý Twelfth' night' celebrationsbv the guild. Elaborate table decoration s featur - ing Gothic red and blue in the color schenc are being crcated by - 11. Rudlophi F. Kelker, jr.. and ier as- sistanits. aýnd . he entire art seiniar is workitig indcr direction, of Mrs.. Percival .1. Myall to complete other arrangenments 10 give the guild an-~ o~hrif'its ivpica lNv rntercs-t1tig *Twelfth i ight parties. The ev-eniings ,prograni wili 1w prc- senîcri bv thwe lý,izab)ethian NMadrigal singers. an ensemble of fiftuetnnmxed voices mnder th e direction of Madi *Bacon. T'le group %was organiized Mi 1931 and ha> made a spciaity of sixtecinîli *nd SCventcenlthcenitury- sacred and secular music. l'le Siw'-, ers %vil) appear ini costume, afid their accompilaimncit will be played on a ect. tulixa wiî le lneld unday evening at, 5 o'clock at the home of Mr.. and Mrs.* Walter Noble Gillett, 533 Ros- lvii road.. kenilWorth. Mvrs. WM"illiam Osgood -of Giencoe. a meniber of the guild. will review *NoeI Cowards autobiograpby. "Presi- (lent Initéicative,"ý and followving the program tea will l)e served. Mrs.WaIîerC. L)oeringk is president*I of thte guild.' and Mrs. W Marren S. Birfhday. Luncheon mrs. Paul A. Rensch of 915 lv enth >treet gave a luticheon and bridge. Wednesdav for the menibers of thie irtlidat- club. Mrs. _C. Rol- lu init ~ùVof 1718 Highîland' âvýeiuè,~ whose birthdav was celelirated Wed- inesdav. w~as thée guest ofl1ho11r. Reading Circle Hostess 'lle Ruadiing circle will mneet _\10.- day, january 10, at the homle of r Henry Gates. 913 Washington streel. 1; iii«iunceinenit im's rccentl y mode f the ofnggeiînt Al Mss Mar v * Cat/u'rv ,i Niestadi; dc:uqhie'r of Georycll'. Niestadl of 805 ren leaf (aien ut' ,.11'im t Jo the Rev. loseph li Hcydou, Lampe, son of Dr. *and M1rs. IIepnrY Willard .(tlampe of C/i, Korea. Mis; Niestadt 1.sgradta te o f North7ý,ester;i uni - -z cisi ty and a nimber of Kappa D)elta sororitv. The Rev. 3Mr. Lamp'e 'l'le annual meeting for the t.lection and reports of the vesý- trv- of the Church of the Io' Coinforter wiIl be the ocLjh this vear for a parish i nr part v and entertainnienut iý,b hcld aàt the Kenilworth lu < under the auspices o'f thle \o ail's auxiliary of -the chnrich, of which \Irs. :Albert S..Fe~h rnann, is président. Assisting NMrs. .Fleiscliinîannxitîhvi tlie'arranigeinents W-Il) [w it- u ;x- iliarv ffces mrs. rkltr vice- presidet.t; lrs. Lonis ,1). ot, secretary; Mr,,. \V iae ir treëa.sure r; Nirs., \lr .krv %:ork chair'il : I ~ -.il B Kleckner, achairistan NIrs. I3urt Crouwt'.carni United Thaiik (fei~ n' * Jones. chairinan mo t, f Pence. 'l'lie president,. oi îilvi ritu guilds mwil also assi-sî Iin 111(. uthu or will wvatt on the tables 11 of the dinner. Dinner mill be followed by à ~u ing revue lo be, prù>4e:uvd1) hy ( dancing DupiIs of i AgTnesFràik lias mnale a stucty of old Jzngisli coin- positions, and under hier direction the Madrigal singers have wvon notice for- their artistie 1rogramis. Included ini the group art: First sopranos - Sylvia Shopin, Marjorie 'Day and Lucy Fairbanks; second so- pnos-,a3, Foster, Lillian Cami- eron and Normia \illais; altos- janice Hart, Losi'a Belle McPermott Katherine Elfis- Is Engaged fo Evanstonian At a bridge parîy for twel%,e Urge Infant WeIfare Members to Sew Friday The W~ilmettem ceuiter of the lIntant* ,f Welfare Society of Chicago cal]'. thut il. attention of ils members to tuc ;'Il- ý-i- day sewing session F riday, Jaanr Igni. WL E TT ]LIF