Splendid toWeIs fo match- your bath towels th.* cen -ba, ms»'d os>fac e nd 'hand f*owel Stoi. .l. 6x28 ,end regul.rly prlced et 26c. 18c.a- 6 êfor.9c 1 2x112 Wash Cloths to Match. 4 for 3"c Ipot.d Linon Dish ToweIs .vey towel is. of wpentdid flrt* quaityad eularly ,I.for 25e eah eynatly hemm.d end re.mdy feor usewith tape hangars. Six. 1[6x34. At tMe r.- duc.d price of. ..... 6 or 9C Stevens Heavy Mesh Dishdloths,, ie I3x1 3-4 for 36C 00' A $4.98 value ile in smart C of b.droom. WHITE COTTON GOODS, mU MREPARtKING