Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Jan 1938, p. 28

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feature 'of the Ilistory and Iinjovinent of MusiC series, bias been on the conçert stage, siaice bis seventi' year.. Today. :at the age of 26. 'lie isknw as unle of - the great. vioiinists of, the world. Mentuhin was< born in -New York. January 22,, 1917. and was takeni by his parenits to San, Francisco at the age of nine inonths. He wàS .carried. shortIlv afterwards to bis first concert. 'a ;atitiee perfcr:n- anice 1w the SaitiFranicisco ô-Symtpbinun rciestra. Thereafter lie was taken weeklv.' At three he biad"a:tiny vviotùî. At'four, lie begati lessonls on a cbild's size instrument with Louis Persiniger. Wheni lie was seven, this Amterican boy genius of the violin miade his'first bigJpuliic appear- ance wîtb the.Saui Francisco orchestra. Tht foiiuwing- year lie gave a recital at thettatâttaii Opera house. New York. Two susequent appearances with the Sait Fraucisco' orchestra' preceded b ' is.',sailing for Europe With is parents for further study with Adoiph Busch and Georges Etiescu. Vehudi returrned to bis native land for a sensationai debut with thtc NwYork $yfpb*ny orchestra %wheii iTe iwas te 1' Frorn the very beginning, and f ront every section of the country, camne olTers for bis appearance. AI- 'r ways lie was guarded against slightest strain, and op ly a few great cities were accepted. Each ssun1 lie bas returnàd to America for a six nmunths' rest. Anîd this season is bis first on the concert stage after a compl>ite retirenient of two years. lit a recvent interview, Menuhin spoke of this re- tirenheut. exI)Iaiiiing bis reason for it. -Ani artist today," lie said, ?nmust bear the responisibiiity. of I ci ui iei ni iit/e firloru' h ild protfif. iiwinit n'zn.20 îai-s ('id. v'ii e hcard j» tii,- third c-once'rt f the I-istorv anîd Ii>jo viceit o i .1l1sic svri ,P()iios(Ircd. b' /w hj'r zr j>if r leq ef Vu'II~'st<r, îni~,'sî,Smida.'afcr Uooki, JOfiairv Sirs. Sherman Ilostess' to N. S. Stusicioans> Mrs. Harold 'R. Shtritian. 714 Xîhnt, ýv. tilt ausices (À tht *Artist Recitai <'nîte.ù tietka Mu i lb,.lias apatiionsut-h îîot radio houirs a, Flord. ('vetralMtrs qil thr.and bas made Victlrrt'rin 1 the Ulited Statcs and Englaod. 1I)i 10 ble 4s- >'io in iltia. l'Zti'sia. ita>vl ;u . ai,,c t;f 3 beeau is training u drthe u a& llis father. Ravîi 1!tifetz. lltst1 f an,) nm.i. vi' >liist. Later lie stuidiedl at thc \'iluia Sb Nttoi,,c tiiodtr FilsNakn gradulated a-tilt avt * eighit and imade irequent apOearaiOoes "Iiul. I- (Itit lie uadeat ttaglii evnw eh l NI cdeisi duf (i ler1oi ii\'if '>,l~ussia. lto 1910 lie .%%a, diiw stevi,î~s nn, (À.rifesoA.ucr"s tan) ous class at tilt Iniperià! larw l ntii, ft rimusical '% ir iti >rine '1\1u- Gertnatnv ani Scauîditiavia . Avvar. latér lit in1 T>.rlin ii ieil, . a )u1: 177I*Vii~.Teil; tht evuiin RLlssia. aind eetal.atrna vicissl iudeIs, be fguund his wav tie t he Utoiéed t. becoiniiîig a iatuirali',e<l Amteri-a, i tizen m 1i J Hi, debutn iiith1ýUnitr!U Stateî; he-made ii \-w* V'Ir<City in 1917. lie atieared first l in dîlit 1920, a,d âT't-r- ward, totured Astan d the East. revistd iElig- land in 1922 and 1925. and i'm I192i, itiî1fill1denga-Tw- inetrts bh ulue.a visit Palestine. Airead v in hi, carter bc ha,,ui for ii'ef - rettýtii o f ltjftLthet 7ist terfect techtilcian -f is kno<wl as, a ttemperainental piaver. bisaqiaî- 4iiig tî'wards ail art etrl irme fromi exageratlion:. but iiothituî mncre subtle in exire'-siî >n, r mî irte1(r out. week after wek, no matter hcxw *goodA it. is, it is bounid to) becoine tired and lapse into a spirit of routine, whic I is an artistic crime. Su- it is vwith the recitalist, wblo tiot oiy lbas tu give liundreds of con- certs, but it also compeiled. tu devote ntch of lus tinie to travel in îrder to ulfilii these." *Sooner or later sucli a routine wili get hlmii dowîî. andif le is iot feedling bis soul by retiring fromu the professional atniosphere to contemplate and analyze linitief criticaiiy, le is bound to becoAi 'e 1u1- bIole, pialist; Their n HEtucl, u.2-) N (,. ;- Etude j>.25 No. 2 01,-, (iO<)> 76 Ni,. 2 The .IJuggit-- Margaret (rs wi ýra soTrario: eîy, accom- Miarie Petti- ('hî,î,t ('ho-lpi n Bnirhnis i. Pianlst of Figa r'-.) (J Art League Sponsors Exhibition of Etchings Seventv' or eiLýhty .echings etiîere' iii the auînal c'me'îionheld ili October bv Ille Ciay oit o f Etchers, and aiso the . e-udrddoîr przù- winiiieetchite hv M\rp. Mildred PW,oks of PaSa- rin.Cal., w-il1 he ,hoivii iiithe exhibition wib tiîl cî in t1hp North Slio-re- Art leaguie stidi, r in a joi er sîster, ograîni Jamnes 2H WIL.METTE LIIFE

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