Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Jan 1938, p. 24

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* LOOR SAMPLES. *DEMONSTRATORS. aift REDUCBD PRICES MUSIC and RADIO 897 Linden Wimn. 687 Hubbard Woods Cantuon, Jr. o(Farrar and iehati 2. Northit-st Passage, by Kenniethi. Roberts (Doubleday J)orati) 3. finina, by .1louis- Paul (Doubleday 4.ý Tht' Dez'il and Daniel Webster, b* Stephien Vincent Benét ( Farrar and 'Rinehart), 5. Swords in tht' Iaiei, by john Beaty (Liigitatis Green), 6. &.kiîI.hy Elvira Garner (Hellry Holt) 7. ohnCore/jsby Sir Hugli \%ai- potle (I)oubleday Doran) K. .iqht Woinan, by Zona (aie (Appleton-Çentury) 1. The lfissing .'lfinjahire. or Thr Ad- ventir..s of a Seiisitit'ý- Butlew. bv, Ericb Kastner (Alfred A. Kiîopf) I.1., Ruiibin Gallu'rie.s, by Bootb Tark- ington <Douhleday I)oratf) 1. l'Oak Eieien Vrers btprr Gelett Buîrgess (Simon and Sclhus- ier) ) 2. I.if e I[Vit/ Ilot/er. by Clarence D)ay (Alfre~d A. Knopf) 3. Shoît-piian, Iby WNilliami A. Brady (E. P. I)uttoul) 4. Irsent Indicative., by Noei Coward (I oubleday l)oran) 5. Pi>shkin, by E. J. Siiniiions (Har- vard University Press)~ J<avînlond IL.. J)ïit arsç, inul iralisi and scientisi, describ's in aà'o pielar* style the'"/v and ../<~f' of the' strange. and un alssul 1/inuys ,ini thet nature aund animsal wz(orld'ii» lusbok, ê. :Tiilk4k o aScien- ist," >,iblished by' Me .Uacini llon CoMplny. A Governess Writes of tif. in Engish FamiIy 'The central figuire ini Lady 'IIn bookb Dcar Vouthla is a Germai gov- erness wlio left lier Fatlherland in luti. le olle pond E) wberc t1hcyait, the Isi; Are mionkeys searching, for fes whemî, they go, througÉli the autics thai so dcligbt visitoirs to tbe zoo? Froux i i ôwn intionate expericaîces with flicst. mratures, the author bas broughit. o" ge ther in i one chapter. a nuibé e o arnfling. stories about nolnkys witlh startliug habits. D)r..l)itinars' new book is part ly autobiographical. lu a wchiapter calkdc The lipisodle of thc Tbousand Flies, lit tells how asa boy he hecamne in.terestied in snakies ; bow lic saved biS lunchýl nioney to buy bis first specinien, anîd oi tbie neighbors' dlisapproval, whli lie e stablished qÜarters for it onî a fire escape outside his room;, how lie titriled to collecting frogs. auid of the c. 'ni- pîkcations which, rose f roni Ili> f' r to fed thin. I1. is interesting teekîi a~~tai r. .n hoyliood lie tùie he w~calicr antI tlhat lie bias fouri the kiiiowldge lit bias acquired of great assist-ance In lii' adventuring andI ciellectiing ()I-raire swi mns. Tliere. arc sevcral clihaîîwr> e stornh.s, filled with iîif&rnatîlo,îas t1, hlow thev coic utlace ing. anîd wlîatî really lapening wliîle thecy are, gioin«. on.. Dr. i ituîars fells albott hrricai i Iliuîîting and descri4the li iurricaiic i' 1893 --tlir 4bil.- . l f - - "1: . ve dn- r Styied bv I. es With monogram in color HIGHLAND PLAID ...... $1 KIDSKIN OUCKI! .......$1 brief notes I ,I1t~ Tue, é'ruise of. tlie J.oscpi Cmnrited by Alait Villiers (uiurs Cri*ic Cails Cank we W. thie -k Iast Il is grwup ulier aîîd uiaaand other ia-scinating s-ýtbjects,. is trouh br ees îa Tlhe atithor's life lias heen jjne (À mîardi of eveuts. varied interests. He lia> always I)ri.c< niterest of the book lies il, ilto. tie Wy of t1lîilgs. 'l'Il book id and atrnosphiere of the slhow.s Ilîow cxcitillg alld iuîîH).rt;a.it 1tIfl, tury and the cliaracter of to a vi. v liy things happen. ratlî'r conîescitator. svîîipatlieti, thanuîstercelv to sec wlîat l> gEIIItll .. Wise cotisellor. wlio Ici is ne o ook 1 theiij Mil," says York Sa<aa. (We xlit jis a ýnew

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