i ization-the Dutch Students'.ASociîa- Te o-s, r V -rar a tdon for the Touring Interests of For- "dolhe s bo"r. nder are said, eign Motorists. "ofo s o oenraete _____________________________allowetl to acçt it. Tbey operate only Ü Of holidays and during vacation time aind tleir enitire activities are carried 'on in~ a spirit of' service and hdepfnlniess,. a m Tîieir. association, known asth Ü Y FIA I B.B.T.B.A.:; was forrned in Utrecht inii 19,33. To date, these youingsters have given assistance to 'more than five thou- pEI~m B, *44>fU A ,1sad foreign tourists. At the tine. of PIERBU GFLIV organizationl, the following pturpos4e.s tm» Tffl lw .. WOW -were annouunced for the group -1 0 W"ê«M .. 75 men, 1. To give foreign motorists' printedI d w1 ~..AIM .usumI S Mm ., travel information, material, te gi'e &W ab" ...directions aeto t best roads. and toi L uff eNM .sIIOW tilet Point$, of intereSt in thé varlous cities. mWnUom . To perforin thifz service without ask-1 ing for money and without ae-cepting i t foffered. j .Toribut io travel mate tial for dis- 1 trbutin buth in TIolland. andi abroati. "'It is evident that the Dt aînong the nios.t tourist-consciou in, the worId. and are taking ve tical stups to encourage the gr tin: source (,i .revenue.' itch are 1 mni v a ile mu<ross titis lltioinnillinl/ke bth-lite.,rcst market w,1CI is. people tlu'se Indico'us i:cil t radte and seli thi'ir tand maîde oosIn utc G0, 1cUai'n ,ry prac- ,nurket. -.1 'vsl'-ritnisGtt(tiltz' «ivi llre .u:cthe lctrc.dui' -wth of (ù(At 'hirauditortia,» uder i(1UsP1ces of iic XNc ~7 riCr v Euti Rý oý : <'n.This addil.iemilecue -iesandia vclub ( a<' c< Scdùticuix i Stmnav-wif,'c prescorrd b.v lJohpi Iutter. îzolcd t taveler. Under changes iui chedules effect QUI U"""'IUU"' OIUUVUN ive Sunda. January 9, the. Chicago' New Record This Week North Western Raihl<t' îvii For Ille first tirne in the Ihi>tory late evening fast service betireen yl raiiroaring a streanllined train a- Chicago and St, Paul and M innea- rivediii Chicago (bn the 'uri j pols and additional sleepng car ~en- anuarv 4 ilu two nections,.(si that vice between 'north shore tow1is and noni"th('- new Diesel pewý-rud; IIRMoukee. jstrearnlincr oA 17 carc SA AtvofSan (The famous North Weser Lnij- Francisco, and its prcecesý,sor oi 12 A e, wicb bas been ocnrating bc- c ars; pulled iito the chicago and tw-.on fhicaýun 2and the Ti Clics ~North \\*uste.rn station at-lnte-rvals i Sp.m. cJail3 and ar- at VaSsar 'college, rat 12 :55 a.m., St. 1 Christmas holidays. er studies, ving the