j e ' 1~~ "~zI: "-I Sketch shows par-t of Xio Il!an's Land. ta)ra tïed atoiigihe lake shore villages '0 'ilîtte ai side the Wilmnetie park district, wI;ere' shaded arra inidica 1tes tracts of lanid the park bo- ard iiil to create a.buffer êetwveen the bussintess district on Spiinish coirt îand t11w residenc es oil or uciarA .1 The requlest tothe park board ls leîg' nmade in thé formn of a petition 4 I- îng circulated in the, village undeér Iiw S 0en auspiceis of the Wilmette Home Owviàr> and mn association. 1155 Wilnette avenue, hy tion miembers of a, nutmber of church groups. tud", 'tSevaven~fVue" ,ass4E 0, 5Q ~~thae erv- map above, it was explained, %vas "dccli- cated" as a street many yvears ago, but sof it bas never been paved or implrove,(d in de- any way. iInE at the Christian Science Churches 1w skgd ba<quire- Urges Resolve f0 IReduce APpalling. Motor Death TOIl vnuwohlmake the Neu, Vear happier. resolve to dfiv'e safely during This, againi was the New Year's suig- gestion offered by Secretary, of Statt' Edward J. Hughes. Expressing- concersi <ver repurt, whidî indicate a 1937 toit of *dead and .injured unparalleled ini the history oi the inotor vebiicle i,îdu.strv, lie uirgedl throughiott the corning )-car, a 1unjw'I iront on the part of niotorists. enforcu inent officers and pedestrians in an ;ug- gressive cainipaign, to the enîd that miur 9 the citations which coiux- Olv yacetginii<îl..tl e lesson-sermion %vas the fol- brlm o h esosb luyf %.tE atl from the Bible : "Look tunto of urelvfth esn r>tlity fad,rit ad be y saedaIl he ndsof erence to the traff6c laws tof q ur tate auid h, for 1 arn God, and there înation, can we liote to kecp acdcnts ai else" (Isaiah 45:22). a 11' Nr. Ihughles tî)ldlîut'ît esson-sernmon also inclucled ",Pulic officiais charged witlx traïfflt lowing passages f roin the law etiforcemnetit nuîst Illéc the ~s ce Bloard of Post office. Nir. and Mrs. Robert J. Steffenls.. e obtaitied 127 ClYde avenue, Evanston. fortnerIyv IJ. S. Civil of Wilnette. annouince the birth of 'a ers, at the son, Rober-t John. on Decemiber 1.5, at Joli,1 P. MNiurphy hospital. a, 9W tic, Cu "i 'H s. .1 "The Talmud" Topie at Glencoe Temp Continuing bis series of sermons the sources of Jewish inspirationà W4Ia U bIcI Chicago, iuary 13, it Baumann, Ds- 1mle, nil the r- is il bY Ti 1 uiary 1--: