6b E Shoots an.d PiIIow Ca.ses 72x99 Reg. $1.09, J 72xl08 Reg. $1.19 8Ix99 R9g. $1.19 6for.$,5 63K99 Regutarly OlmOsfecularly $1.29 Shetsai -piIIw cames woven .gv. 0a smoothsoft surfaceo. ta i a snowy whltenlest for two staond 104 wa.hin. of the. moit carefuily sel >.cted cotton -Tkey eecr.tybIahdt an peais and ar aadry tested to ýwith-, More -Wear Piflow Cases 42x36 Reg. 45x36 Reg. 30c, for- 26c 32c, or 28c Midwood, Shoots fli.m et. speciel sale prioe. I R.gular 39c PiIIow Tu-bing Exfie .queli, of.- 45 inch lwiwubinq off ord et a special roduoed priço.. ftguaeay 39c à yard now 29c EVANSTON, 4000 mWýEARý 84C