III ~ Anyway, W4est Allis High school, 9' f rom the neighbor state, succumnhed to the rapid-fire attaclc of New Trier, 35 to 24, last weelc. k. Morton was to provide theopo- *tion this Friday at, the Winnetka gym. It will be the third league con- Ig te 's t for the . locals. Previouàly they ý hgve beaten Wàukegan and;Oak Park. th Td îeTa ry Ti1 i.T The consistent scoring abi-lity- of the h. Triermen stamps them, as, a tÏuly. fine IL. team, thus far livringUP' to ail the *fine forecasts 'macle carly in the'sea- Soni. Now, bowever, with a total of six wiîns totheir credit, they are faced with a. tougher guy ta lick than ainy team which bas faced them. *"Over-confidence" is the. name of. this énemy of ail outstanding athletes.. Undoubtedly the best teamn in years, B t1lis group niay find themselves vic-, tims ta Iesse.r team _who will be eager lwesttern states * ~ took part. On the same aftertioon he at- t tended the meet- ing of the nation- J ai council of busi- ness education as a delegate rep- resenting the Ilii- Dois State Coin- enercial Teachers' asso ci a tion, of D.vi Joh...w h î, c h organiza- tion he was presi- dent during 1937. On -Tuesday, Wed- nesday. and Tb ursday he attended meetings ->f the, national commerc ial teacherg federation at the Sherman hôtel. Sunday Servics- . i a.ui Wednesday-Testimonial Meeting-S pi. Sund4y Schoof Exerciss-9 ,:45 a.1n. January 9, 1938 Subject: SACRAMENT -READING BOOM-i&33 Central Avenue Open Dauly (except Wedvwsday) i)AX M. to 6 P. M. We neday 9 A. M- t. 7:45 P- M- Saturdq g 9A. M. ts li'P. M. iiiBible andl Works of Maur Baker Eddy, ami 11&U er asthorli 0riutim SinS Literature uay b. reai, borri>wui or mrchaei g te. Itwdl.1 Resý. TUIL PULIC M C0DMIALLY NSVrjU I» TO S8S1UTEE CEVALCEUC U MRAmSCI T tes aEle*I0011 For the secoc Reynolds pace( ,nakers with 14 wcond timne, his pin01ts on out he hiad dro, ôw, Didlc sdi n point- tfor * Marchini Deacon,c M.\cF-'dze * Thompso Linigeg "t. 000 i 2 12 4 14 ý'ni,g 2 1 1 Miklish,g I1I12. matct >ni,gl1Ol1,Kirk,g 0 02 0O0 0Nuren,g 4 03 Kuchl,g I O 1 inigs. ~L~J L.~c~ of hi National Ri fie associati ýer-cluh1competition fort to Decetuber series wo,-od-blocks. ste ni. doné bý,h- jCI ýils, and siîik iese students ifex AI.m CI $2 value,"1 I1 Ïe-s - ,t terse