Iwish to than& Our patrons fr their Vlad coneldordition over tho for **eh one vey fhingq they wish. Greco M. Hem. FCinJapa Cp 1 3 or 85C 1AIi cçated, ,North meetings, tùiless.otherwise i will be hield in Rooni 54 Wabash avyenue. i WILL GO SOUTHl M.Nr. and 23 .rs. John P. Oleson, 240 W\Oodstock aveniue, Kenilworth, ac- companiied by thieir grandson, John Floyd of Evatiston, plan to leave Sat- urday to spend several, montbs at their winter home ini Sarasota, Fia. i Tbev are going by train and will sbip tiheir car witb them. niette's problemm-prevelit the Spread- ing south. into Wilmette residenitial. And whether or pot No Man's Land is ýannexed, our village should have a "bfe"park'sucb as Kenlilwortb lias. witb Mahoney park.. Sucbl a park will niot necessarily attract picnic hordes froi Chicago. Mahoney park does tinot.. Naturall y- it is fenced irn. If Keniilwortb Cali do that, so cani \Vilinette. Property Values :So,î,e citizens ini the tiortbicast seIc- tion of Wilmette say that NoMas Land does flot, bother, them--mean- ing, apparently, the nloise. That, is very far fromn the wvhole problem. If those residents .attempted to ret or sedi, tbey wotild fi.nd out iquickly eniough liow that area as it bias de- velope4 lias avet-seJy, ffected their property învestnxlent. The WVilmette parl, board cati bu% this strip of property and probably wll when tbey find the citizelis want it. It would, of course, mean a change of policy, using the park making a* south turn on Michigan, hias- a two to one chance of side- swiping the pa.rked car. Detroit for- bids- parkinug within 35. feet of an intersection and this rule, should appiy in Wilnictte, although at thé. corner nientioned it May discommode a few. club members, too Iazy to consider the rights of others., -Tax Payer. GO TO CALIFORNIA .NIr. and Mrs. WN. T. Morgan, 411. R idge road. -Kenilwortht, are Ieaving t oday- (Thursday) ' for California, whcwrc they will spend a four wes vacation ini Los. Angeles. Miss Janle Penberthy, dâtighter of Dr. and Mr.L. 1. enctyof -1524 %Wil- mette avenue. gave a tea Sunday for forty guests, inost of whom were mem- ~ber' of'tlie»seinior class of New Trer High school. PLBASB!I The sale of Christmias Seals'iii Vilniette is stili consi<lerably below the aniounit required for Wilnette Health Center to carryon its anti- 11656 WIL A M04ST AVENUE AL - mioveci. A HORSE LAUGH If you have, not sent in a remit- january 2, 1938 tance. will you flot do so at once, Iditor, WxLMmtFTe iF E: thus assuring yourself a part ini a The editorial in1 your issue of De- humnanitarian effort to restore tuber- cember 3() eftitled "A Good Job" is culosis victims, children and adults. enough to inake a horse Iaugh. Tran- to healhh? mient automobiles have a few cinders It is sucb a small thing- to do(- spread at crossings for their protec- but the resuits are, so trenîendously L