wilgo effect.i ibj IN JANUARY 1'birc hasi beeii a reaidjutn of ajst llîn lage thoîglot i tIatfe of llIillo)is whit-hF, it lbas heen e(stiLt W 11 Saîve Ithe pliblic ahtut ~26<).)OOa 'var. Thle Illinois Bell leloî (oij>îvis arrangimîg ho nt Busnes 4>fice îi it.wshte. Dutrisng the last few i ears, otir businîess lais improved. Iwvr there hîave also beenR large andI and hight r parls représent- in g priei-paulv wage increases. Neveri heléss, the Company is pitling the new rates into effeet in Januiary, in the hope that our buisiness w~iI continue to im- prî»e, amti that increased use of t elephone facil ities will offset, part ially ait )cast, the loss ini rev- cations will offer definite service îi mprovemntts tlu custontiers, as -velvl as saNings. Ih is hoped that flhcse wilI inake ielej>lione ser- vice obf even tircater valut>e to the