tu-. *i *. si~u. . r iun~icai vxtrvagainza atid the other used as dressing rooms for the danc- parts are welI handled. Ali Baba. Jr.. ing-girls in Metro-Goldwy-3n.Mavecr%, applies his iinrerpretatioin of the New, 'Rsaie"co-starring Eleanor PKwelI 1)eai to, the Political situations he. and NelsonEdy.Theboeswere N idsl h dream country. The rebujit On an Cxterior -set. <lrý-ctio.n is swift aiut thepht- ______________________________ra hv'ex~cellent, To»r Favorite Brands-leé CoId WILMETTE ICE CO* CoIsolrhlaJug. C ubes m33Gram Bay R wil. w Wbiehever Toi, pr.f.rI ,OTTLED or CANNEW &&ergaite peur oua Pene BEN ERif <muid 1 O ceit ý D)ouglas. Irnali k> iParainotinj>. with Marilie, Herbert Mar5JîaII. , lv Miss Dietrich is more than. -,ver gorgeou> and. superblv - producedJ dramia. Tiiose %%hIo have lhailcd lier as, onle oi the -ýcreeinsi great.est actresses willI'lot be di>ap- Poiîîted H e rhber t Marshall is at blis MOs;t urba ne a- the i-oni ir atnv onesticity.- EAL rJjnn"r i* ihml$ -Thi e Deal ?" Are We go 6e waluul iI,,happine,. i n- >weuth I>y sme force oaagi.h onj Iv Or is it à deal itnder whae-h the ipndividlujj wiII bave a betger, fairer tuPP-riunmîv tt. work out ibis own dea*tiny' andl sucema No govermment rau crete wea1hb. Id, 1 Ïi !d as giias«spvJnagaqly ji)îk;iocoPlaYers ItheY :'ere made thte romatic lea"i iJ» a imusical. Now they are teamiëd agaju j amuiclbu tti tmca stars. Thaa"s thte slccess story 4)f Robei ayl m uical r Powtiella/t are Pl y tg j» "B roadziay AMelody of 1938 " ore ro G ld ,t f U il I It Li . Fi M s..(W arners.) Di-