Bill.onnors Boosters won1 from the Frank Meier, Jr., aggre Uif s 'Wnilmette Battery. and EIec moved into first p lace, by taking odd game frein Ace Motors. >Evatiston Glass and Paint e iiakm 177 liover close to the 'celiar, having1 Il JVu setence thte etive North shore from Elvmnston b o Lae P>reà"I A. a ALLENi P. IL DOUPE., 1. two te Alten'a Mertuary. As a result(offiasit week'« plav current standings are: W. Wlmette Battery and Electrie . .26i Nelson Laundry.............-23 Wlmette Ice .......... ,...... 24 Scott morticlans ........ ..... 24 Hiceks ICrier ...............2 River Inn............... 23, Frank Mêler, Jr.._.......... .20 Shimonek Service . . ........ .20 lten's Mortua.ry......... .... 19 Wlhette Theatre . ... ........ 18 Cohnors Boosters ............_17 lebaefèr's Tavern..... ...... .,15' Ace Motor Sales .............. 16 Elvnstn laas & Paint .. .. 13 Braun Bros. 011 Co.......... ý.12 1o Rcturn The followitng shore will be p; days after his trip was comnpleted. 'ga- They were recovered and pronzptlyrc- ~triurned.. tr" Bllfiflda, pajamas andeven a wom- ýtan's blonde wig -have been found and' restored to rightful owners, An Indian stili tom-tom, a teddy bear and roils of loifilm are among the variety of items whose owilers have yet to be located. the Baby's niursing botules and other nurçery requisites are often left behind ~j by air-traveling mothers. Perhaps the là most unusual collection was a set'of là -fie canes that had been left aboard 15 t'nited. planes during a period of four jë months. Finally a Chicago man re- 19' ported the loss of a cane. The five 19 canes -were- showrn to him and he 10 identifièd four as being canes he had 22 Ieft behind after flights on United 21 Mainliners. Miss Schmidt pints ut that men 2(; are' the' ûnst torgetful passengers. 2-. They frequently forget coats and hats. The -women foks are more carefuli about their belongings. mree-quarters of 1937 was 48.3 _-er cent ahead of the same period in~ 1936, with figures based 011 Cash transactions only and withoUt taking into account any.-comitlit,, for fututre delivery. Mlatalma VigoreusPace "Our business in October anîd . Yenîber was. mainiaining the v19oroUsý pace - set during the. first thrre- quarters of the year," said Theodore, A. Buenger, president of they pioneer niortgage banking house, "and itj is owcertain that Doveninueille, Inc. will have the biggest year in its bis- tory. ini 937. - This. record volume of business has been, obtaitied in, the face of a decline: which officiai cotiiîtvy figures show "bas occurred ini the mortgage business generaIll ii10.17" Firi. 93 Y. v 01< Mrk. Uuenger's statement 1thulc f- fect that Dovenmtzehle, Inc. %wiII transact its largest volune. oti busi- ness in 1937 takes on added signi- ficance in the light of a survey of pioneer firms which hias just hveen conipleîed by the Chkigo Association of Commierce. This survey- shows that the Dovetimuelile firni dates back to 1844 and -as sucli ba> been engaged i in iproving and fi nancing Chicago real estate for 93 years, 1>c- oresaient of thlt 1'oliowing months of Jaboratory. at sixteen addi- tests; United Air Uines' engineers an- lan associations nounced this week developmnent of an '37, four of then, anti-statie loop antenna for ground >9 in which the radio stations as the latest step in the niember institu- suppression of snow and ramn static. in brought the Exhaustive laboratory tests have efunds which it been conducted quietly for weeks and irtgasge onrnnses actual uround installaton ofthà i i... ýCt!nt.1 109 Dawk Stns.-Bve XVAMBTON P210N3 :Gr WINNT~&PUONE:W. Hubboed Wds. Wl... 6811 l