Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Dec 1937, p. 32

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I:15" Om.-No service at tbii or UeXt 8inday. 9-30 a.m.-Sunday mhool and Bible (10:5 am.-Sunday mehool casB for children aift tiree to live years. il, a;m-Bervle wlth Installation of chureh oficera MEETINGS Martha Guild Christmnas Party, today, 4 xi. supper at 6 o'clock. &hurh counili, Tuesdayi 8 p. m. CbPdren'a Christian education classies,* Wednesday, 4 p. m., Saturday, z9:30' a.m. The order of service on New Year's P.ve wtli hlnelde the f'olowing: Prelude-' Es ......... Gounod 4 i ory.-**.ulaby Schumiann The ilai-llià to the- Lord Helped Us".......iSamiuel 7 :12 The Communion.. 8 'islud--"Joy t lie h W1Virltl". Haaulel The order of service at 11 ocelock on) Sunday will Include the. following: Prelude--Toccata..... ......... Muffat leiroit-*'Thy Textiiiittiiett Are Very Aaaieni- KIoo('biriatian MAeil. 4e....................... ..... Bach Ofrtory-Andante.............Muffat The SerMon-"A Song for- the N<ew Tear .. .........Psalm l100 Insasllation of the Church Olicers PostIude "The Heavens Declare the Glory of God" ........... Beethovenk The Wonan's Guild wiII mneet Thurs- day, January .6. at' 10, o'clock at the eburch to sew. T1'~Executivé commit- tee will meet at 10.~3o.- Luncheon will b. served nt noon bw the Fifth divlion. At 1:30 o'clock, the business mneeting and program wiIl bce held, with the Sixth division ln charge of the program. Mie Rock River Conference of the W.H.M.S. will hold its regular board rrieeting at the Eleanor club rooms of, the stevens building Wednesday, Jan- uary 5. A-Il women of the local aux- Mlary are cordially inv'ited. The 'Scout troops for boys and girls, sipoàsored by tuis church, meet as fol- lows' GUI Scout 'Troop 1-Thurdy. at 7,:15 MrIl Scout Troop 2-Thiuradays at 01.45. Girl Scout Troop 4-Tuesdtyà at 3:45 P.ni. BftWlile 1Pta i Y 3.3o'~ P.m. Boy Scout Troop 3-ithursdays at 7î:30 p.M. WilmetteRafptist Wilmette and Forest avenlues Dr. George D, Allison, miinierý Cltidreni wiIl be cared for in Junior church while their, parents attend the ehurch services, The Tuxim . club wili meet at 5î :3« o'eloick in. the chapel. The theine for discus4ion will be: -A Chairt for the New. Yenr." Ail the Young people are Invited. The Session will hold its regular monhl metig Monday evening-at S o'clock at the church. The Boy Seouts will meet at the Ch)urcli Modyevening. -The Gil scouts ivili meet u.t theý ehurcli Weèdne3day evening. Our midweek services will be resumed' Wednesday evening. at 8 o'clock. We wili resume our study.of "'reat Chap-ý terS of the Bible." This week we wll study Exodus 20, "The (living of the Law.- 1741' àttlilelltàc i ji day eveni.ngs. Spoke >ix Of thie rresbyterien church ks tô mne.t with Mrs. Harold E. Bergman Of 1231 Ashland avenue, January 4, for i i'eiock luncheon. Kenilrvorth Union Dr. Hferbert L. Willett, niinister Dr. WilletVt' subjeet for Sunday, Jan- utilt' 2. will be "The Watchman's .~mlwe."The Ci*rch servrice lesat Il t a* tt r ,a wm .ve uns ..t.triet travelogue this Suilday. evening at .5:.30 oclok.. There wilI be a spécial emuphasip on "'Pearl Divers."' Ait htghschoolerig are cordially lnvited to join tis. group il, thelir acivies during the year,1938., WOMAXIS (IUILU The. Centrail cir-cle will b. entOrtained Friday, January 7, by Mrs. W. H. Shéli- man, 808 P'orest avenue, TJýVanRtop. The CresentcrcewiImet ini> the, home of Mrs. FP. E. PalFry. 622 Mpi aveènue,. Friday, January 7 The Board. of trustees meeting: haS i)eetl postponed uintil Thursdlay. Jannry 6. It WilJ meeet at the reguflar trne in the ehurch parlor.. The Churcli annual meeting wvil b, held Thursday. January 2>0. The <lsinner %V111 be scrved at 6 :30 l>y the Cogy <ir- ner cirele. Thi.4.willbé folnowed bYec- tion, of officers and a irevkew of thp work for 1937. AUl nwmbers aui friend-, are cordialiy ini-ited ti> atiend. XN. T. ~ ~EV *VP%f#vLrUI *The twe,ýnty-rtourtih season of the e Tirier Slinday Eveàiing club wili eoe .lanuary 2 willh Burton Holmës. veti'ran t rsvel lcur*.lie wil .41oW C0101-4-0 mî'.vhg pi.. ue>iif 'il 4biitl witzer'- Rnglisk Lutheran SèvelIth StreMtat U;reeilfI -A HOUSE 0r WORS-jiP' ThIe Rev. I)avld R. ICabele, pasitr Uù* Wc W. Invite you to end the. old year hegin the. new wltii your Lord ai of ,an Il 'enuant ssil b ~4lo-ORe.st lIn the Lord. Mendelssohn MendelssobIm M rs. J. H.flopp * lE~4lUlè-flThee Is Gladnc-ss . B3ach s exte*tded t(o Virtoria MeL-teol--Ministry of! Musie .rch elise-where h us. This is a The1~ Natiopnal Broadeast ing compatir ership includes bas grante to the United Lutheran ominatîorts. Jif'h urch ln Amneriva a very ';pecial haif- truths . of the hrur prograin on January I1. 1938. Thi2. !res to providt± -rograni wiII he. broadcast over the red n<tvrk of 9the Nnt1,..i mi 0-3 :30 p.m.-4lirîs i

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