ing at i. aivnee ounrv dun> New Yeagr's eve when the nient- * bers . and their ianti fricnds celebrate the departure of 1937' and; the arrivai of .1938 at thé * club's big a nu.-il, New Year's party. A large number lias tak- en advant igt of this opportui- ty to entertain parties of guests. and the evening promises to be w~el1 attenlded and a gala event. The aflair %will Commnene ~witil, liii- ter and as the <Luîscitig u'tinnlies andi lieil tiriiing Ihouir,4 alrau a ,d-iI mal plr w~iII alsO l1w servtd. \elïwlie a carillat. willeter- %Jii,îsi are to foi-ni a Iart oi lt e vv- tiiing . Sestive atinosphiere, andl lso Cil- -ertu vle wllbt he fdanwevs, ,>iiw Erele Sster. and t)dtot-es I onar. a1 singer. dancer. and accordion player. The WVilnette swsiînbrs of Slawî,;t wlic ) ill entertain large uprtics thai viglit are Nir. aud NMrs. R. R. Iippin- cott. Edgar Howard. Charles. l'lrich. Mr. and drs. Rtbwrt Newton. Mr. and ,%rs. B»ernard M r. and M rs. ~ViInttv Pa r i S Il Met llodist clitrcli \.%,il bôld the, Iirst incet- ing of the iev vear on jatuuary Sewiîig at 10 &lock ini the mîîinig and an'cxecuitive Session at 10:3f) wili bc foIiowed b%, luncheon at .12 dçl1oCk served by the Jifth division, Mr,% M. C. Greigg, chairman. The afternoon session p~ifi over by Mrs. A. L. Fuller, pre'side*nt., will bc opene.d by a devotional period led by Mrs. Roy M. Lundin. k Berth;a Knapp- of Wesley Meiorial hospital will give interesting accoiunt'. of the new~ hospital, a Mei%<t! i-l project. The program furnished I)v -îlh Sixth division with Mrs. À. ilI. Fuessie in charge, wilI bc givrin 1 NMrs. Maxine Stetson of the Amier iça Ac-a4iy a Dramatic Art. Prom- inent in north shore littie thecat t! groups and experienced in radtu wor], at. the National Broadcasting t-oxtI pany, Mrs. Stetson is well qualificil to present the play "1'd Rather 1, Right." by .Kaufman and Hart. ant hilarious satire on the currutt ;t nIinistratiouî in Washingtoln. Til, public is cordially invitt*d to lhear tlt,, Paul Stone-)Rayîpor, Ltd. o f W i t e a t i n w i t h h i g h n e c k o f e l io e j r i n , a nd e r n a ali- *. V. lJiç.ç 4drei' Ja»ol 7'ruiu* dtur of D)r. and Mrs. Rulijf Lawrence Ttiitof aperviIlle :was iîarried tb Frank Shaau'r McCabe, son ao!f . <and .11-. P. I.. -lil1W ofo£'f OiSobdi- 47slnd-e. liioe, Ili the First (emgrega- t"""al dc/, -cil.V at iIcon Nvuur27. lTé animal ileeting of the ArdcP Shore ;associatiosi wilt 1w hiedat nooo on. Mondav.. Pmnuarv- 10. at tlw Ch'Ijj cago 'AtIltie association. Aftur luniclicon Mirs. Robert B. 'Gregory. lîonorary president of the boardI 01 directors. is to tel oinc of hier catpreollctins"of the Inast thiirty î'ears. For more thit.thirce c cades'ý Mfrs. Gregoryv aud jlier si%ýter, NMrs Wfilhiati E. -Casselherry, of 1,akec luit. WILMTTELIFS ý'%îr,..l t"i. Junior Garden Club fo K4..t Twice in January