tar andi chancel entrance -and by, evergreen wreaths and branches further decorating:St. Mark's Eisc9'lai church inE- anston ThuiEgdav afternoon, of last week for 'the %veddinfg of Miss Ruth Drayer and A. Paul. Leisner. Tapers glowing on the. altar an tw vases massed with white 'carnations coni- pleted the setting for the serv- ice at 4:30 o'clock in the after- noon,. For '.the something old" Of tradi- tion, the bride wore a gold cross.1 50 years, old belonging to a friend of bers, Mrs. Harry Stentiford. For "te omthng-,eoroewd," se h d, with ber cream'lace dress of princess style, the tulle veil and coronet of old lace worn b>' another friend, Mrs. Joachim Czerwonky, at her own wedqlang ilast January. The bride car- ried a large bouquet of white roses and white sweet peas. Of Norunandy velvet' ini empire atan l II0 ength ttulle veil hield ini place %vitlh an ivorN, vel- v'etcap wrewor v1'Miîss J.-nle Margaret, Huebner, daughter of iram r.John L. Iluehn.e r of JEvanston. XNC(nesdav affter 11001 of this week, %Illeli slue l- caine the brid'e of Pauil Carpei. ter Ilosking. soni of 'Mr. and ( Mrs. Richaird, T. Hosking. 818 Park avenuie. Thé gown ivas made wvith a short train. long sieeves. and a bigh roll collar catight a t the throat with pearliclp. fier botiquet -w-as whit e 'roses and.1 si Al. white- elhrsaithemtns. Thie wedding took place at 5o'dck)l the Rev. James T. Venelclasen- of thie First Presbyterian church of WVil- mette officiating, and wvas followed hy a reception. The bride had one attendant, Miss Lorraine Kuerten of Evanston, whose period gown of turquoise taffeta was wortn wih a gmall cap of, deep red velvet. Her flowers were aboqe of dark redf carnations. oqe Leisner, groom,l older sis the maid The br niother,. 1 of honor. ride's mother, and ber grand- MNrs. A; B. Lambert, were ini ough bine dresse s. hefor- of Photo by Carlos Two days before Christmas .aws tice weddinp day o Miss Rret1, braver of Willmette, and A. Pati Leiseier of Evanston. For lier inarriaqe, zA'ich took Place in flic laie ai terno,, jinSt. iMaWks Episco5pal chu rch i,1.: Ezaisîo)i, thse bride îeorij a creaie lace dress of Princess s! uce and a tulle veil vvith a coronct of old lace. Her flowers were a large bouquet of iw/site roses and te/ite srveet Peas. Mrs. Leispier is t/he daughter of the' Clarence 1--, Drayers. her hrisbu,,d the' son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul If. Leisiiier. Drtnr suest man, and the ushers were George E. Johnsen of Wil- mette, and 'Glenn L. Judson of Ev- anston. The bride anid bridegroorn arc leaving shorti>' for Buffalo, 'Wherc. M.Hosking is associated witb the Houde Engineering corporation, to make their home. i avenue, Kenilworth, are ýn bouse New Year's day 9 d'ck for about a WILMHTTE LIPE