NMr. and Mrs. CIl e Plaïfair R<oss of Kenilwvortb announced the engagement: of their daugh- ter, Shirley, to Fuller D)ean. son of,%.-r. and Mrs. Arthur Randal IDean, of Winnetka. at a family dinner at -the -Ros, home on Sunday.' .Bath MÎSN kos.s and %Ir. [kati are well known on the nortli Nhore where they spent their early ,chool days. Miss -Ross was graduated f rio Xiew Trier High school. and from Mount: Vernon. seminary . at Washington,. D. C. I.ater. she con tinued. the study of piano at the American Conserva- tory of Music and, is an 'accomplished niusiciafl. fram : te iYale e. He is slow at an Open flouse party held Tues- day afternoon at the Frederick H. JBird home, 1077 Westmoor road, Winnetka. Ke nilworth club bas selected to bld a M i s s Charlotte Hamito gay farewell to an oid year and to ,Op weîcome joyously a new one. daughter of_ Mr.' andIMs At'10 o'clocki dinner service will Claude McLeod, Hamiltonp 4>30 begin New Year's eve, with dancing W0odstock avenue, Keni!èworth, starting at that same time and Con- is to becQme the bride of John tinuing until 3 in the morning. Mrs. asbl L.awrence E. Mitten, Mrs. John H. Mrhl Ling, son of Mrs. John Denson, Mrs. Wendell H.* Clark, and Thornbill Ling and the late John Mrs. Paul C. Clovis formý the coin- Tbornbill LingofWlee.o miittee in charge of the dinner danceStud ,jnar 29 for which Bob Tank and his Mfan- The wddi Jn il ake lac9 at8:3 hattans will furnish the music.. - check iiiben ilg atkokplae aC<8n- Bob Tank's orchestra will play dur- cokithevnga SkeC(Uý ing open bouse on New Vear's day, try club, Dr. Herbert 1,. Wiflett of -the and for that occasion Mr, and 3%frs Kenilworb 1.Union cburch perforrning DeWit*t S. Stiliman. iMr.. and Xirs 'the ceremony, and following the cere- LenT. Ellis. Mri. and Mr$. Cla.yton- rn1y a. reception will be. held. B.Breonr.ad r.Saul The ,bridé bas choseti Miss >jean B. Brch'an MT andMrs SauelThackery of Barringon as ber maidof H. Clark are the committee bnr n Ms ly rie fk. ford, ber step-sister, as hier m~atjon oi 110110-1. 1 Thelx4desinaids 1wmilbe Miss RetrthodRuth Kniep. of Evanston, andr Mrs. D*froth~dCurtis Tatham of Evanston.' Tomi Hicks-~of Kenilworth is to be - ~ -~~y %Ir. Ling's best mnan, and' usherinizf - > will be Claude Hamilton, Jr., brother 4--of the bride, F.dward Cullen of Wil- mette, and Curtis Tatbani. members of the Wornan's Wilmette -and their guests, rs who have made'reserva- ough niembers of the club, evenmg. ~,fl 7 o'clock. d caras for an at .r's day froni 4 until WILMTTE LIFE ve heen te-