710 MaebS UNI. 49M LET OUR TALENTID a go*format hairdrest. for y@u For fthe HO' eIDAYS $7.50 Arch or Trie,, 3f, 85c iiue am1'JsI vvei4 3 v'iciore, roceneni o pac1K - rnem 11Uf intUIth(, was .a hard-won wi,î over Dan Kre<r, Tht, storv t'oicerns the urge of twO basket-andc met with difficulties Ilinois state champion. Kreer, a salby to have a part in the.asso- Here. plain as anything. vas the need Winnetka resident home from * is, ciation's annual philanthropy. They for thedf oc faw~a.S studies at Princeton uiest...t(ôok are Bernard Bllack.. 8. Son of Mr. and thev enitdheadfBrbalî- the' offense in 'his matchIl with Wells, ' B fernard BlackM212 Beechwood Verseil, whokersom h Ie. but was unable to hit throiu gl Hte 'avenue. anid ames I.ngwersen,,8, son- being now 10. and: that dilfflcuült% Wai stead.v deiense the Wi!mnette plvro r.adMs ouis H. Ingw*ersen. protly overcome.* presented. Wells hadl anothercle 21105 Ienilwôrth a%-enue.ý Going into, Repairing to the office of the match with Bill Terrill. also a.Xil conférence, thev vent overithe.,whole F:amilý %%VeI-fre, associatiôn, thev mette .,tudent at Northwestern. vho problem o)f policy., method ýand pro- 'turnert over to Mrs. Hartm ann thle finishcd the round-Iýro.bin 'with ýtwO- cedürê'. The first stern fact they net receipts' ftôom their venture, there- losses. Kreer's onlv loss -,as that to humped iup against was that. they lby ' licquidatiiîg the -affaîrs ni. the ýcon- XVelfli. Other contestant, ilicludedIe couldh't hu.v' food without money cern., Abbott Nelson, Illinois state double,; Monev- they trust have, bu t how to T eil l la hoittei champion. Carlton ýProutv of WVin- Lg:tt it was a. big question. So the ' he two Mueiehlntrptte netka. Stan EË n fEaso nr av,~e i the di«ferent ways i returned' to their skating. 4.eddin1.ý HermànFreunrlf.lich o0f\Vilrette which sm-hall boy,-,earn speniding and such other pastirnes as occupv% The North Shore club last, ueek nioniev. but not muwli came ofi t. Thé os<uigteChita aain sitatin ~as suh tat but With heart-ag %w ith the ,at;,i- received sntinfrcm i ih 1inoi, eýc>ionmie iuto %aýsc h p Table Tennis1- as-;ociation ti tc(>rduict portunhities' wrre re-stricted. Compe- taction nio a good det!d welldo. the Suburban chamipionships janii- tit«t-In was prettv strnn1g, too. Not ary 13. 14 and 1U. This tournamtlit. rntiuch chance for . a t ew concern tco HOME FR011 WEST Open t- réeîi1Ys c4 alli Cèùo ;Ilb - iah' ia t av.Z ~ a,. (ýr ' aim rson ot Mr.dflf i urbi, ii, exiected to draw a b)rilliant iot thceseence oi the venture. Mrs. \V N. WVaidner. 1046 Green- hist nof ti~.1Tl two yt-arsý ago Providence Lends Hasd % of avenuze. arrived home liecuni- b;- the No-rth Sho-re club. hie evunt Providence iti.thie form of the ber 12, 'from Hollywood, Cal.. mhurt attractedI 12) entriesý and ncliided l Weather Mati înterposed to -ive hie spent the past sev~en months. On i1yr( frm a larize tiir or(f ~:-them a, hift.snlo%% came. NSot a the return trip lie drove 2.900 inile,. ursvery deep snow. to bc sure, but snow and] made the entire journey alonc jui,t the -,aile. andi surely people, in a snmall Austin automobile. lMr. and Mrs. Albert Meier of .311 woud att their walks- cleareti. Ridge roati, Kenilworth, h arc .\gain thec partncrs went into. con- The. Rihard 1:.Wlc faîilv '% leaving January 10 on a miotor. trip ference. wvith the result that capital Gleîwot wai flttrt2iI1,it a a ta