Trhe bc *st .physiologists of today lie- lieve that: every girl of high school age who is ini good healtb needs, froini two to threc bours a day 6C '0 Igrus Il ri-e'of the large muscles of the body in order to insure the best physiological growth and devel-, opinent of the individual. Ini the crowded curricular p&ogratm of the student, only two periods eaclm week are allotted to physical educa- tion activities. In order to meet theý physiological need of the student, the department of physical education las. supplemcented its regular curriculaàr program .with a variety of voluintary Sporting activities whichi are off ered to'thc students rvery afteruoon after %chool and are purely.recreational in character. A 4aculty aiwabe#*' &%aysýrcecn at every activity to give inistruction in the sport, render first aid . i emnergencies (which, rarely occur). and to assist the students wherever :he cat inithie actual running of the program. - .Scheol may bce sUppîeanentîng their * twô hours of regular physical educa- çatio,î activity each, week with the adequate vagorous exercise wvhich ies îîeeded te bud and maintain good. mental and physical health and' growth but it is doubtful if. AIlof them are securing at least. three hours of stimulating body activity each day. 's your Aklaughter taking advantage of the opportunities that are opened to ber? "March of Time" Next Museum Lecture Theine "Nature's 'March of Time"' is the subject of the tour at Field Museum of Natural History Suinday, January 2, to he'conducted by P. G. Dallwig, the. lu endi p sSe»s m. UIAMS (hkirr t %wif$'s I"r.emim Armou's Star ThercoUtryli4 UDetl. la3o i M l~.avg. S3.4i<c PALACE QUALITY ST ly aKed. Wtbanderfully luet. POU LOIN R0*511 icieSMAU. Cnt trom tender, yound P0lIcocI<Sherry corii-fed potkers. A de-U flavor spicel am lic Iously tender, Jute freftehly roamt that %W«1l1tauteal ticdl.45 iost Ilke chieken. Alwayus afavorite .11004 eold. 2% to 3 lb. avg. il)...................1 /2 AMY si» . p, . ...............24 rusRit ROAST of SI Il he Oue»t Of thoroughly aged prime [Iouhý Sirli Steak. Cut to order.. .3% R@ound Steak. Cut to) order 29C iiee[. AThe ery 10pm Isw a uvry monat. th .and 7th rlhs standing, lb . .... swgss 24c- 29e i thé Ui high quarter, cas eamis are rterclass gamnes are plaiy_ the first and second ehL rl!àcr ring, arcbery, basebali, golf,'Il C Ay g play .011; iscnooI e nd of chosen ed h..It 1111.1.1" I LJI of M OF YOD ARE A1 FINE CHUI 9a*