%%ill 'speak on '11w City Manager Plani." *'Petitioms" wiIl be the subjeçt ofMrs. John T., Manjerre. chairman oyf the Petitioll)s ýcomimittee o.f Illinois City Mlanager council, and Miss Pearl ,Hartwili presenit "Change,, in Ad- iniis? rat ion o(f îIle J1 uveîiile Court Law.- HOME FROM PITTSBURGH Paul Williams %vill arrive home Christîna;s morning fromn Pittsburgh, Pa.. to he witli bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. George B. Wiltims. 1137 Lake avenue. Miss Ele.anor Wiliams, who is a student at Decnison unîrersity. Granville, Ohioi, came home Frjday of last %veek. Miss Williams. will attend a New Year's eve party in Marion,, Ohio, Iefore returning to Ille uni- TEACHEIt ZETUItNS MisKatherine Elliis will be home -today (Thursday), froni South Haven, Mich. were she teaches school, to spend the liolidays witli ber parents, \Ir. and Xlrs. William H. Ellis, 823 Greeniwoodt avenue. Miss Betty Ellis. came home Tbursdav of last week f rom 1)Ceison uniliversit'. CGranvile, MOM tPhoto Williait KixMiller, 789 Michigana avenue, WilMette, addressed the facidtty ofý the gradl4te school of bus.wtess aditratioit of Harvard wz:wersity recetitly. In this addrss MrKixMi11o çaid that today there exists a tremejidous cônflict between two opposing concepts for integrating inankiind, the onie called the "social coîtract," and the other he called the "commerce contract,7' He explained that for three hundted years, and down to 1914P the commerce contract, under the stimulation of sci-~ Chid Study, Women's Division of Protestant Churches, Urban league, Cook Çounty Civic council, Youth Groups, Illinois Federation of W~om- eni's Clubs, and M'onieis Bar asso- ciation. AT WOMAN'S CLUB lu spite of the glassy streets a.nd, pavemient-on which children 'were skating-a fairly good-sized audience braved the danger of breaking bories and crashing cars Io hear the beau- tif ni program of Christinas music given by the choir of St. Mark's, Nermai, . LWlBRm North Shore Agent Stat.e rm Mutmi Autola&. C.. Hfave me teil you how this coueluttm oU dty p" cut$i hsuéance Cit shoot 40%. LOWai Iuo» Itat.d A-Plus 1>7 D.t's. Costt..-C.st sedbs Authoridsdngruuetatlon md s*s. Tel. lous. 2*-iHWdmd P.îh IMW-Do.cId M&S Swas ime t] and - Iowa. Vcdittesdlav of hist week. CHAIMAN itdoors the icy pav4 ts were waiting. Ti red. in the halls arn ding the slippery wa td of tlhemi. both equai is . or <i- y- dangt