plans. and. tickets are 'flow 0o Also, re-elected were Mr sale.. for the 1938 series of book Peters of Winnetka, vice-pIresid re views by Eleanor. Ellis Per- Louis D. joues of Kenilworl kinsý for the benefit of the Chi - tary, and- Mrs. W. Whitaker Kenlwothtreasurer.. Mrs. cago junior school scholarship Korte of Kenilwo rth was madt fund. T he series %vill be given work chairman, and 'M r.. J( at the Georgian hotel in Evans- Kleckner of Kenilworth wý ton on alternlate, Vednesday assistant work chairman. 'rea was served followingz the inornings 'beginning -at 10) and reports. and nouring at, 0 1'clock, Januarvy 12, and'con- table wére Mrs. William WVhî tnuing through March 23. the president of the new IV Yorgild, and Mrs. Albert Fo: -Miss Perkins i5 310w 1or Cmlete the president of ti gathertiingiateirial for. lierfrs re7 organized Griswold guild. vicw which Will comprise current plays and the theatriîcal successes. Her con; tact with playwrights. producers, and authors enables ber to gîve a completee and clear interpretation of plays as Garden- Club Progré well as much unusual theatrical in - LyExperf on -iahil theater-going public. She is attending Dr. Stanley Pylman, %whôse thé outstanding commercial plays, .îs ful hobby is dflagoig making a thorougb survey of the Eed- a iluttd aliaon gr( eral theater productions (these being danliahs t thed tgalk on th g th nspaid for by the .Works Prog- dhisa h eua 0tl ress administration) and is aiso, at- o h imteCre l teningthelatst heare guld f -aftrnonJanuary 7, at the teningth laes Thatr gildaf . A. . rnhn. 010 hes wiew, s. Frank eult ; Nrs. ,th, secre- rBaer of Albert A. le the liev foseph B. ýas made le business tthe tea iittier. Jr.. hlitehouse lcroft of lie newlv am will give -Owing of ' meeting b' Fridav hlomle of [mit av- T Ir.Jolin D. Kinjizar of Jf'iI- mectte yoes the hoitor of havig irit- rai o scsript-writiflg contt'st spon- Federation of J V'oiiic 's Clubs,.lier plav ,. Thy Rod and Thy Staff.* will be prèseiited Viondav. Decciii- ,,Cr 27, over WI.S. at 1:15 o'clock. She is a neniber 'o f the ' Ioial's Cllfb of ilntc ty flouse in Chicago wi.o ene- fit froi-n the proceeds of the Christînias. carnival to be hcld at Sliaw.iec CoiintrNy club Tues- day evening, Leceib).er 28,jn der the ausp)ices of the New~- l)erry Center Iea gue. "'lie geli- eral chairinan of, tle beleilit is. Mrs.Leoîard Vilson of - The l)aity. wilI include nit 0111%.l dancing to music furnishced by .Jidye- Rudolph's popular orchestra, bt a; swimnîing exhibition iin the1 Shawhee~ Country club pool, under th e ditectù i(' of George Eckert, the club's swinimuing coach. Mr., Eckert promises a scries C. swvimming, and diving ýnumbers by t Wît gilsolo swimmers, and entertainnient hy.a water ballet. Entertajument-in addition. to that an- (if IEvati home of Mrs. Ile G. Greel are 'S.Ti, p' 17 tid The assisting hnstesses will be 'Mrs. W. A. Kendrick and Mfrs. A. C. Young- jointly at the re the danc.e. Mrs. IHarlant C. Grant. ait ýarties. [raged greatlv îay resideots at the oppor- ei'taii. <uiriiig Chiîcago. or M' 128 Robsart Skokie Valley D. A. R.' Has Meeting. January 10O Van Deursen. is the Club. Dance Hostesses Sixteen Roycemnore I.ere r ecueratn s ies >1 i Doaai vr 'Monday over WLS at. 1 :45 o'cloclç. lier play to be given Monday, De- nit i otY s i i>UC iI 3V41. iJ. 88Jfl O 1 ld.. wveek they made a trip to the cecter. decorated the Christmias tt'cC, afl(l lui Christmnas îî-reaths for 'other h 1ia decoration. WVhile thcy werc theretle Nvrapped a ninhmer of gifts,. anti prc-. sented 16,5 fillcd stockinigs to the chll- W IL.METTE LF