Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Dec 1937, p. 33

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arc, a pairt oi the extra-curricular program of the school. Th.e girls ilot olv organize anid adîiiniistrate this part of the prograni muler the guidanice of the phîysical eduicatioln staff buit tlhîty oiliciate at A of thecir ilitra-tiural. gainés -Whlih rerjuires defiinitetechunical traitfing. To nîcéet this neeüd. a course lias îteii oirgailized %%vicIç bears acadeînic. crit. ets- during the school ýday, atid is ,tcrmne(l ".jorts' adiniistira- iljoni.*" This curricul4r StUdv seres the dual pûrts o taiing studeits, hi thce art of: oficiatiiig iii the differ- riid iit ra-muiiral sports and actiing as ai] insighit imto the voçation of phys-" ical..et(lncatit)t, as a p)rote.ssioti. Sound Backgrouund iFheý first few :Weù.kS of the cour=e of study are spehît iii the developinent. ý)î a soummd lbackgrouind for -leadler- ~hip .,workl ; iiamniely, what is leader- ý,hij> aid what are the resp)oibilities of a leadIer- 'l'le discuissioii nxthod o rf approaclbis. uised ai the tlas.ç dlefmnes the teris, leader anid leader- 1111)iiij the liglit of thecir own cex- perietice aiid' coticepts. Iii like fashioni, tlîey deteruinie the qualities whichi they feel arteéssenitial nii a good leader, the place of the leader Mn the group, ai the re- sponisibility of a lead er to the groupl amîcl the Sucictv iii whichi lie lives. This discuission i ievitably Icads _to leadler with a kno'm.vlIedge of-the psy,- - chlogY>-,of hanidling p)eople both as ' inidividuals- and in groups. In sports, W The four JUllets of the as un ircs z yerthe claes s given one or recsin organimational thinklng theY, work out as a group on the ttee baste. Last yýear, the clame MocbONAWDS umum R i sHoP li Sherman, Evausttea Gore. lm Y.DelieuW 1,isi. and the du-cd»pi»eit of a soulnd a 'l Luc*b';- i Llà"iialpL __ -oi the. race ernerge; hence, it ticcessary that student officiais I-omecoming W'ilI act intelligeiitly .when such situati( arise. Il is the control of the en Be Celebrated at tions ini trying situations wl- inakes the miedia of sports such Temple in Giiencoe excellent builder of character. .-\n anualAluîni uncoming Wittiithe phystological, psychologl( >(,rice i li e instituted at the North n oilgia akrun ie b Sîore Congregation israel Sunday the studént leaders take up) the dl nmorning,1 eenhr26. At this spe- Of the oD1c!ialia inthe-Aifferent spE leeting Will Honor Sanitarium Workci ., where be atten fer tmg-i-màdr- S.>r SmaII Framed Pietures. -7 Water VoI.r Vael miles. .. Framel maemmas . *si ti Pheotogriph FwaUes . .Si De* kEnds . ...... Si Pair1 Crystal Cigarette Ehlxes....1 Nirrr Fise. <mis .... USdc Xovelty Ash Trays ... lf Red i lr.b Wooemeware . ..751 Cfmm eutCod Photot in th Athieti -Etkiiiteg Fyn m. Uns.5770

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