-adio peasa ho uing as studirdl ,dn., Dci nark, Gr-mn» National 'Associaition Of in the" anovencut in tlhis 7001k 01 Stalbiliaaç; liste 0.115e anortyile fieldf. Ii vid Haonse dowersai/> lu 1141vate ousig, IIIVIc oIIIV a i 110 front the press which bas mlade exactly, these l)r4))lcmls a suhject of stiidy ii Europe. iwhcre housing.(lifflCUltîes iin rnany cases are l)eing or have alread'v been stlvedt., Mr. and Mivrs. lierheýrt, 1. Nelsonof winet I ~vtic hir t1ree abriad bfr wtiv~rote .Vcw Io,,'s In order to r'dca liIke impulse for building. and homIte owvt ershil i this cotiitry ,N.csntst. the bopk cg)ncludfe$, cnt reai sttetaxes lu liait. recîe interest *ate% on nbortgages to 3ý per cëtnt. atd keep butiildin.g costs and wages wîithin reas.ni.. A Lieily Travelogue .\l'w flues j» ipp d Coltitnt,'s is a coliversa tional anid lively hunian trav- edogue of a family motor' trip (f si i>me conv'ersations with leaders of the lious- ing movement. bot h gove~rnental and private, huilders, manàufacturiers, fi- nanccrs, city planners, cooperative build- ing societies and wayside home owners. Tbe .observations have behind thein Mr. Nelson's fifteen. years of study as exec- titive secretary (now vice-president) of the National Association of Real 'Estate "To create nations of home owners is About a Film Star "Oullines Intfernaionafl Naou jcob auho lite u'c',Policy for the English and l'ije LoadcidStick, ï, coniing to Ainerica eariy ini Jantary 'for a short , D. Applcton-Century, company an- vist-ber fi rst to ibis couintry. She 'ill i otUnces that it ~ii publisli,. owardsý accept a few engagements ti) speak dur- the enid of 'Deceniber, .a new hook hyv ing bier stay hiere. , Normnaii Angeli, The iDefi'nce of ih, Miss Jacoh's - nett novtel, Fade' Out, 1-iirèi). a discussion of sotte of the meV comIparatveiy pour and tuny couurry. of Sicelen ith mlly six mlillionl inhahi- tants a'lmost 'fi f ty tousand units in the I w cost housing %field bave been added IdIiritig the past few ycars. Inl England sitîce the War thrce 'million raew homes have heen huilt. Germnany, like Eng- land, is 'producjng more thali tbree hun-~ dred thousand 'ncw (welling units 'eadi vear and reconditions others. at similan speed. Sucb figures, ini the liglit of our- iGOOD BOOKS