222 S. GREEN BAY ROAD. HIIGHLAND PARK - 8 rooms, 2, bath; e, hcut'ifiiwooded lot neu tlbrjek )Ionie on Cor- uefr lot lnear lake - foui* epaei- ##ts maseter -.ehamorts, serants' qutarters, ImporteitMe hath, reatnt inrom. $35.000: make offer. WG.RUGGLIF1 & Co. 51 7 Davis Sre.Easii flo. i. 8 R WilI. 1660>( "STON WITUÉI71tSAK7 CUSACI< IF OI T WANÇT A f-2VA(I~.TIV bulit horne ira deiglit fi sttitig inspect 59 Wooullawn . <f14eeoe *and be ouvinerort tht this is todjay'sbest bu3r ln t.4 1l(Wrm.. 3% àbath boseEglisiharchiite.- tture, reol brivk with slate r-)I f tilfl ma.-ny uuuifeaiturtes. Offer#od it Onny $27,500. S7,500 DVTCICOLONIALI, IN S W~iin~ka.Six g~e.u ie om wih suit triol s.eig i.rhsa tilte Iath. Il. '%%. il hat Afor. elsreiakes this riepcsbl. A bartgain foýr soniÀ.n' who ý prom»nitly. Woosled lot65x160. Hot Wàterhet gas Reenty reModeled and In îerfect condition. An ideal home for thé fam- iiy. rcjulring 5 bedroomig. PrIce $15,000. SMART & GOLEM, mc. T'ni. 02U3 Evanston Wii 2486* 14 71TX32-lti- 614 WAYLAND. KENILWORTH. NEW Eariy Amnerican. 6 rmn., 1% tle -bath. Kohier fixtures; att. gar.: air eondi- tioned. Only $11,750. Exclusive agents. WITZLEBE N REALTY 632 Green Bay Road Kenilworth 5540 147LTN28-tfi, A-IOEST WITH RIPARIAXN rightsr for only $10.750 on a high IsItiff with breath-taking view for miles land . wide sandy beaeh, thi4 lot 1- the LO WPST PRICED on the North Shore. Uni.l L0 2S.~ Evanston -%Vil. 24s6 1511LTýN32-ltcý RIPARIAN SACRIFICE Ovvner niay seli 80x406 ft. lake lot at$lI per front fqout-ab)out % î.re-sent m~ark<et value ln tliis choice s-tion. Surroundled by beautiful homes. P.eist riparian bargain on Ncerth Shore.. E rs'at inv'estineflt ITEINSEN 11MALTY CO. WINNX. 254 iroutage on amaIl lake.100 acres of woods. Priced ut 8100 an acre for ' Immediate sale. WYATT & COONS Waukegan 1Road Glenview .81 162LTN32-1 te FINE~ AC1REAGE, ONE OR MORE, g0 miles South of Chicago. 011 welI drill- ing nearby. $50 per acre. Extra com- iniaoion to broker or agent. Addrens -wner F'ULLER, 160 E. ILLINOIS ST., Chicago. 162LT1432-1te q71 rOR BALU-H@UScHOILD 000"B --PIECE' WALNUT DINING ROOM3- set: 3-Plece walmît bedroom set; taupe mohair chair; upright piano: nrn pie dresser;, cots; mirror; mniscel- lan1eoU.4 itemns. Glencoe 124, 171LTNSR9-1tp, N E SCIIC ~LC. BRAVER. never used TUxedO, site 36p 12 M#an's overcoat, aime 88,J8. Boyu aehe. lined coat, sze 10-1183Mie.bo. celothe». Wnnetka 2326. 183. Mis..ît, DRESB8 & PROCK BUITS, TUXEDO, oVercoat, Infant's clothes (new), uied, bedspreads, desk $et,. child's bed, Xmas tree holder. Winnetka. 1157. 17SLTN3â.lîîî AMERICAN FLYER 'E LE CTI1C train', 2 coaches, freigçht car, «xtra traek; 2 p-s. rmilitai-y shoes, ah. 8%3;_ b)oy's coat, age 14. Winnetkta 2461. 173LTN88..ltp 35 MM. CAMtERA. GREEN COAT, Koisk rim, s]M4,8.5.Eectro.. magnetîs,beit for arthrltîs: Lamna,. shades, chairs; beige Fox acarf. WII. mette 3576.1TLNS.t ,DEAUTIFUL NEW DOLL HOUsE~, cRoc. iights. Fine workmanshîp. Muât be seen to be appi-eciated. $50. Cali Aiiderson, SunnYside 844 sewiî new, Pê Higha *17LN~-i~PARK DR., <EI Otut-of-Towii 0Owner's 8!0-oI2 DDT(~T ~ FOR SALÊ DY LJXICL. lot on l8th St., Far Beloîv Duplication fo quisae 1 -I.0 011T fI! lit A 117V*u.5 'T11 q TU.Il tfront. $2.5001 -77-