Neitiier the b'usiness sluiml) nor the scasoîial falling off hiad any -great* Cffeét on the amiousit Of thceliermîits for builditng issMUC(lini Novenixler in the Chicago StlUtlrïai rçgioný. Sixty- fouir conifiuniics reportcd a total of $2.95.54(î to the GrcesibattnInives mt ltCompany,. whIich maikes a mnlth- f hr survev of thîe area. This compares wýith 1;3ý.439.932 for October, 1937, and $3,ùW06, for Novemiber 'of last year, a total. which w-as grcatly efflargàd by the itneltl>c>l ii oa $5,00addition t'O the (dle,C~1 ecuginc Plant at Mt o. As alIIosttiti ,iiuluýtrial coti>trtuctiosi is fond ini the !atcst reports top offsect thiis ext raordisiary itemi, it is apparenlt f that ..uburbati building iln genleral ibli :well ahicad of last vear.: Figures Tell Story- Tlhiis fact is borne ont by a complari-- j soli of the montl by month figures of cember hw a heavy falling off, as' of couirse it niay, the total. amounit of sububanbuilding this ycar shoiuld cxcee(I that of la>t year by over $8,- 000000 *T~~figures follow: I Ne It 'ulav 1wiote.d that suiburban build- ing thlus far tbis vcar cxeceed.s last ýýears total b%- $8.759.000). or ins.we thai 35 per cent. Atiotlicr inltvresinig.coinl- l)arisoil is that of sultirbanl building With nlew ,building Ii the citv tf Clii- cago whiere thtý total for thle eleveli lor the past wek arev yreacnc $300 mark. according to the re of Building Co.ininissiolner WV A. \'olff. They %werc as follows Dec. 7-S, E. Elkin, 1505,E. avenue. private garage. Foster iing company, buider. $200. Dec. 14--Jacob Lichter. 2945 mette avenue. addition to roa )rds cial block 1Iooring was laid in hoi ain mastic.. Linoleuni wvas applied i kit- odchen, breakfast room and sun room odover -a special flooring of plywood se- Ovcured to the concrete by hot mastic., %-l The home is heated bv a hot water b e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................................... †††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††?........ Total I - -