recognize the dormitant importance of ai r passeilger and express service and. at the same time. pirovide against waste-i fui and destructive, competition. The. comi.ittee's report advocates j early enactmfenit of the McCarraii-Leéa providing for the regulatiùi o artransportation by the Irîtcrstate CoImmerce commission. t In Uine with the Nationail CIh aniher's consý-istent po-!icv favoring reasonaàble; government regul ation in - ttle public utility and transportation field-. the re- port holds that sucli regulati<'îî ,,Io)ul(l jav"oid'interference with proper functionst of management. Air mail requiremente wiJl bt take-n catre (-f even more effectivelY t.han at pr4es.Qnt, as any or ail planes may be re- quired to carry mails, and air-maiil sýrv- ice' and schedules 'vilbe :under fuil su p4frvi-. o f the 'Postmaster Getierai Who will' also have àuthô,rit,> to initi,ate. prf)posa lu for newA air-mail routes. Rea- sonabie mail pa lu i to be fixed by>tht Jnterstate Commerce Commissibrn as in the case of railwayrmail. The present method of cornîpetitive bilding for air-mail contracts, as c:vi- denred by the obviously non-ecompen- ,sat6ry bîds redently rleceived, is likely to cause haphazard and, inappropriate al<wratioin of routes. The pending legis- lation therefore pro)vides fojr granting> certifleates wlth due regard to quali- fleations of operatore and proper allocra- tiOn of new lines to existing or new uystemns ai part of the national airlin-. network. Favo.d y OppraôrsFear Cuttbroat Tacties d6ption of the McCarran-Lea bis, Udreitn a, nsntcryn 1mail may be established and report states, is favored by the at any tîme wit4iout approval. o! any operators and their ernployees and ý government authority and withiut rç.- all principal organizations interested igard to competitive effects upoin (ex it- dt tf~~t~l6i rates may alsio be changed by any o~a n their report, the nmeînbers of the tor at mvill and without no)tic-e. The dan- imittee advance the following specific gers cf cutthroat competition und.--r thee conditions will be obviiatëd bv ý a sons in favor cf the pending eî- sn able regulation as iii tl u h, on: petiding legislation. rie growing impofrtaxice. of air tran,- Tht -Interstate (-onwtr,,t- cmn~î ta.-. part <4f the national transportac is t-he logical federai l ny .uîî- x i system calîs for regulatory incas- organizati>n anidl. '~r sbased on experience wlth re-gulation on the regulati(,n (,f air transpnrt as 4oth*-r fo)rnis of transpo-)rtation -but a part .of tht national transpi'rtation itedf to the njeeds of air transport. In carrying out its preseytt t- resfent limiited federal cor.ntrol of air tut ry- duil o! fixing compt-isatio)n C r spo.rt, exercised only through the carrying air mail (aftt-r tht fir>t tw'- i. Office 1I)epIartinent*s mail contrats, Year contract perlod), tiie Comiis)iin th4ý stf&ýy tay)1(uardt.z andi rule ofiis slrpsdy-sof necessi1v s-io1sistine ,mic1 Round-Robin Event 1 of Pi Kapp fa Alpf>ha A special holidav round-robin to be J yt Iiical Grid Tearn eld Thursdav-, December 23, was an- Ahn-ikdsudo 8mn ýoucedthi wek y te ort Shrewith Lynn Waldorf of Northwestern able Tennis club, to be held in its to coach theni, bas been selected as ýuarters at 655 Vernon avenue, Glen- the Ail-Pi Kappa Alpha football oe. This %vill be the sixth round-robin team. for 1937, it was announced this thtShrt week by Harvey T. Newel.j vent held bvth NorthShr club _;r. Dn, -fh ~~J-'$ i ...~. liA