rio, Er..E Inine4 Whate 1a)fr 65 SI1k lHanfl-ý iwith B4x ô? 2 Wt-n'q Fancy 29C pr. 4 pr. SI 35< pr.- pr. SI Ife and $OC SILE SCARFS Si1-25- S295 SLIPPERS M p ' qH rU.04 65eý PAJAMAS $1.25 .-Jd S7 MENS WOOL CAROIMANS "17 PAYS TO SHOP ON THE R11041" IHOFFMANN 1ER 1836 WiNmettoAvenueoWIwietl (Jrhftn ,enn,î oe r n 1,-. Lt, t Ii.ï tm., remarkable letter that the cbaplains of opurat:û_n, bv' 1thec at zad of the G-erman-arrny receri.tly wrotte ý:Hitler .pointing out the serious Unit! difUtinz, ;and conrditio-n of a. count ry ton b3v re- up vj Iiigiou. ,f:thé fourth 'k .the dis- jue1)vy M'ait11 c overv r ý-éÀa hitherto.,unknîown civil- ri in o r th i7atior of thirtj' thousand years ago ç k)h~rit~n in the Grand Canyon of Arizona. and !îr) 'w1 ýI ( the frh îk the British Royal ýConi \l! Pre-zi<knt Mission Repor)t . aPortentous, doc- Robert Kingery Harr% GClart,%Kin - umnent not. only tô the. Jews of 'the ne, 1324 Elmwood aven 1ue. Wi!mette.î bold ht to tire British' emire, a,ý who spoke on, behaîf u9)itvîxllag-u * el . and it.s civie organizkt1i'. ý-Harry Service-Z at the North Shore Con- Fwe, 44Fore~t avenlue.1prcid.ent 2'regation> Israel Icocated at the cornrro h Imtepr ad h ,of llrw,,olr. and Vernon. avenues l in ezol-h opeato ) i og!i Glencoe are conduc-ted,.each Sundav pCCt< h oprto fk~<ra~ izationt. and pointeod o Uu thm. 111rn mnornînný at .1?clc:viitorc are fter.prorr.rkh4ar(: ah'~v.codjalv\~.ICOl1. hencomplered.: Hnv1)fefih 4J(j 1)vk treet. mvr'fE nt: ScôitE7ýcutive Board w<'toid 4cfth~e xleùî I C a-r ';uar ' ~~ard f rh N'jth ~tre rea x'an4ç>n l cl rhlu dupartrn,,ý,t a~ ld r H~h1n4 arky ~bi!dîiins and gr"ýun'!- ' N~ r~ hea4'.'art~r- Tue~dav we~Ir 2 univRerst \rhrW.F ~n:t~-e.Yau theapprvacon reportsý J ir ftk PrarlH. -9< 2 fr 25, "fOR DAV"~ RIMINGTON'S II.CTRIC SHAVER, $16 ('Ia& qo>-t osehy' Mn~~r l>tmOlive hvn 4.t 9q ad'.sS.,iî Ss-f$ý. 1< h 5 Vein nPý~ NMilitary es . 9eo420 jn;r"$aig e r' J. * ý\Xlmette lrinl Chief Lt j si.:; t', -.6 poi- Cloyc rking Violators ice, undler iinstructiî,îi., dfj McGuire, have becti waring.1S. o viiDlaturý- publi ~vors and lndn <ftt -tateCcf Ililinois ;anld Ca!tut , r I eki il nxvap)pointed 1bv< e.tnirftIr Hfomnvr as head oftth.ilno- ix -ioni of waterways. [n addiion to the WIyVHmumu koiga- tion. representatives atttel1 roni Chicago, Michian Cùv. (Caryand Highland Park. the Lake Ilichigari Yachting associationi.1an.1 illu Chi- i I wAhità .lnr14' k~r~~f 25 15 Mqý