Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Dec 1937, p. 72

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'OulletiU,-. hts rePrinted licrewith in fult1 with the suggestion that votera eut it Out and retain it for: future. reference. The bulletin is. as followa: Under tle n.w permanent registration Let pâssed at the isat session. no per- son Illbe alowd to voté in the future at a mDuniipal election (Othrtitan a sabool or park district élection) unles ho bas been eisterecs. The. fct imposes certain duties upon the cities and vii- lag« s nSenffe.an d becaites of ts Importanceteo us ail we are sflbmttinu a briet digest of the. proviions o1 the new suinute: Votera Who falsi to register on sep- tember 27 or October 5. 1937, may reg. Inter wltb the viDlage or city clerk from a December 4. 1937 te .?anuary 20. 198 auj from )gay 8t f938, teo ffober Ï, 1938: Or witb the C<antY Clerk froua Decem- ber 7,1037 util the te h de&W proceaîug thiste 0aY élection. Clerk, and after a hearlug at whlçh the Coauplailnant 'muet be preoet, -an illegal regletration may bé stricken. The clty or village muet furniwh nmre tlpe of book or inder to~ keep te own registration carde Su accordauoe wlth thle preoluoteS t wil!!uneofor local edec- tions. It muet sendIte owu registra- Mion carde to each precluct at the. tme of eaeh local electi on. Voter. who fai tÔ vote et least once in ery four year pericd (the. Ilrst peldbelng three Years, froua 1937 to 1940> Ioe their registration unies. tbey renew t through the. village clerk or the county elerk. We shail bo ulad to furuleh any fur- ther Information or answer questions wiJth regard to this now law, or Mr. DanS.! A- Carey ln the County Clie's omlce will be tsiad to help solve any problem thait arises. - - .- * - .. ~ ' g s p o n so r si.J 1>1 , 8 4 r a U u 1i - t t e rf r o s s te a r o the Wilson Ideal Dog Food teamn. he . tambýerl[2. officiais of Wilson & Co. P-resent at the party tilat was beld immediate ly -GIRLS BOWLIt4G LEAQUE fOllowing the bowling were George Some of the teams in the Wilsnette. Harvey, manager of the car route Bowling league did nlot'aesow dearmet;- M. J. Sheridan, manager fast week, especially Williams Serv- of.the canned meat 'department; Rus- iCe station which fost three gameso sell M. Smith, manager of the dog Wilmette Bowling Alicys. " food departnient, and others. Wolff and, Watt Hardware- took Mr. Harvey expressed the apprecia- two games from Mac's Confection.. tion of Wilson & Co. to the Centrella ery, which leaves these two teamns ti ed store owners and their employees for for first p lace. the splendid cooperation extended to Laura Wilson of Wolff and Watt Wilson & Co.- : . bowled. 194, the high game, of the ~.wlgS"a e. Au Te«"a season. with a séries of 484.ý Thé following niamed sponsors pre- tnis W. L. sented, their respective teams with WlfadWt adae .~ varions cobored and decorated bowl- Wilmette'Bowling Ale» . 9R "d inig shirts:- Stevarts Coffee, Old Monk ç-zln eëre'4t.iti-pi 4 Olive Oi Co. Town Crier Flour, Scot NE~W BOOKCs Books in lhidreu's R.. to Mai» MusicelPrograme Euj<ayelle Chat- is ex-I McDariiel's, ha(f 1 5ft' r bigh i nidivld- ;( )3nins. ,there are beauti- îes of finger plays les set to mnusic. Of compilers ap- Emilie Pouls son, ody. Some of thé rators are Walter Y . x rW lmett e atteo, a n ZI .........................................2111 rIIezct ,E for the ej Jack A games (n4 0> game. ning. t o. f

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