nel 1JUniversity cluh!'s 'Musical revue to he held at the D)rake hôtel onfliur5da,,,é 'eniing.1De- cember 23. -Tht boys wiIl arrive ini Chicago rarly, that afternooîî, comîing froîîî Detroit, and willi n*àfiedîately go to, tht. Drake htlwhere they will be guests, of thtý local aluinni untit their departure for Milwaukee tht following day, thte inter- vening time being filled with enter- tainînent of ail kinds. The revue itself will bie presentedl that evening in the Drake ballroom to be fàllowed by a Christmnas baIl at which the sixty-six mhembers of thetcait, will tic guests of honor. From Chicaàgo -, mmd its fashionable suburbs an enthusiastic group of Cortieli rtroesses are already planniing pre- 1èstiits awotuîi v«enét, an- cluding dinner parties for. both de- butantes and subdebs. ýes list froin d Mutndeleisn Mrs. Johit Carry, and Bloorn Photo M>'s. Wilford .11. Newman of g«ged in thse sale of tickets for thse Rallet Russe de Monte Carlo spon.. sored b>' the Nationlal L'ousicl of lettÀs/s Women, Ch icago section, oit L>ecem ber 20,. 21, and 22, at the .-luditoritom theater. t1ext getieral meeting ofthie sectioli on Monday, December 13, at 1:, o'clock at the Chicago Woman', 72East E-levenith street. "The, Miracle of Lilit.*' a fantasy Iv Evelyn Hattis Fox. and M rs. A. Lçvinson. iwill he presesited at thai tirne.- It is a dramatization depilcting. thre role of Jsrael' as a torch-bearer of Judaism. The performance will be g-en iii a colorful setting of music. and dance. syrnbolic of, the spirit-of light. Aithe business meeting preceding teprograni, Mrs. Fred- Bernstein, genieral chairmanof the Ballett Russe cornmiittee, will give an accounting to. tht membtership of the progres s made iin the sale of tickets for the first three nights of the Chicago appear- ance of the Ballet Russe, De Monte Carlo, on December 20, 21, and 22 at forinances are being sponsored by thc National Council of Jewish W~om- en. Chicago section, as its ont money- making iusiction of the year' The proceeds of the ballet wifl be uised to furthee the Council's man% 1)ilathroits in the Chicago artea. N. S.q jr%4uutz oi vi UlJ8iKa;p YsA. james~j.. Marnns and Mrs. Edwin E. Sheridanî, Mrn. Ward Davis of Evanston, also Mrs. Arthur W. Wakely of Kenilworth. The western and soutiawestern ssîburbs arc represented by Mrs' Johni J. Bry- ant of Wheaton, Mrs. Ralph Ware and Mrs. Austin Pope of River Forest; Mrs. Frank & Foss of Hinsdale anad Mrs. Leonard Vaughn, Jr., of L.a CO-hostess. xhiuch takes tht place )Vember session whichi acount of tht serni- 'yen ed by ocs Modemli," Icand wilI rin g out the ohi year and ring il) the lie%%-at-a large Nev Vear.s eve pa)rtv. nutnbering sonie four- hundréd persons. :Thie part is beirig Iimited. to fouIr-hind'ri.% and by Mondav of this week, al- r nost a fuill.nionth iii advance, more than tivo hundred reserva- tions hadl)eeii received. Tht Christmas as Well as, tht e N% ear's week-end is to be observeil at, tht club for Sunday aftertoon. December 26, 'there is to be an Open H iouse ,at Shawnee.- A nationally famous radio star, whose na .ne is to 1>e announced at a Iater date, will sing for a Twilight musicale. and the music will be followed by motion pictures, a buffet supper and'dancing. *ot nt1he tdgrhlnciM1 nd î junior high school yotang people will have thir own Christmas dances at the club, the High School H-op being held Tuesday evening, T)ecembe.r 21, and tht junior High party. oit the evening of edsaiI- cember 22. For the week following Christmas, a meni's doubles bowling tournament as announced \Vednû.sd(ay evening, af Dinner This Pfrday Tht Wooster Club of. Chicago. of hihCalv in F. Selfridge of %Vin- netka is vice-presidlent, nacets for dinner Friday evening this week at the Chicago Woman's club. to, ob- WILMETTE LP