the tNewherry Center. Commu- niyHouse in,. Chicago iwith a Christmas caârnival. to be held at haWnee Country club T uesd av evening, Decemiber 28. Trhe eji- tertaitiment for the affair wilI include a swimming exhibition, bridge, and dancing, with joe, -Rudolph's orchestra, so a well known and so popular at north. shore. parties, furnishlingth music. George Eckert, the swiimming coach1 at Shawnee,' bas been p'laced .lnu charge of the exhibition and is mak-o ing arrangements for a water ballet, amateur swimming races, and fancy and comedy diving eut ertainment. Mtrs. leonard- Wilson of Evanston is in charge of the arrangement s and is being assisted ,by Mrs. T. 1. 'Me- Knight of Evanston, the co-chairmnan. Also serving on the committee arc: Friday of this week at 8:15 o'cloclc, an evening of dramatics b as been plannsed with a cast of Country club playrers givin v Hav Féver", yNe Coward, at 8:15 o'clock. Friday of next week the club will hold open house at 8:30 o'clock, with contract bridge, bowling, badminton, and- refres hments planned for diver- sion. A Youniz People's baIl; with ýthe Colonial Club orchestra providing the music. will be a for7mai event at. 10 o'clock Fridayv, December 24. On New Year's eve a ball will be held. Two.orchestras wiIl start dance y music at 10 o'clock. "Eddv Allvn- eleven men 'and a grl, and Frèddie Williams-the ail star colorecl en- MorriH Photo semble." will be the entertainers,.-\t The work of it atiactoneer has 1breakfast will be serye. .1 f- jo the, -fMri, 'EMit-, On Newvv 'ear' s day Bill I.%vuo,,*s en of Keitilworth, who vil direct orchestra wilI play during the rrevî> the audion of box ltincheotîs fre- tion hours of 5 to 8. pored by aluinpiae of Kap>pa Alpha Thelat H Wdnesdayý, Deccmiber 15, af l' o'clock, at the chatoper hoasse, to add fis» tt etinqii.i Nortnwestern univ~ersitv cati)- pus, àa Christimas I)artY v ill - be given for Kappa children 'Wed- nesday.afternoon, Decem ber 13-1 at 3 C30 o'clock. The e voit is for niothers "of' the bIoy-s* and girl' as wvell. Saiita. CIaus, in tbe persan of Ilis., EzathQuinlan,,will bt present, ailà the children will banig their stoclcings around the, fireplace, their namies t 'o bN called, for gifts. ýA group picturvt e mothers atid, children is tu be taktni. and -a marionette show wilI begIVOtI. The afternoon will coniclude, as.,chli- dren's, parties. do, with ice-cream., cookies, and lollipops. The bostess for thv evtint will bc Mrs. WVilliami Reed, assiste&i hy Mecs- dames Ci. F. Falle', Reed \WhitIeV, Allason' Clarkc. 'oIrt 1iay, H. è. Duncan, *Marshall Underbili. Tlboina,ý B, Singleton. Fred Stonet. lewellyii Boweti, Ralph Shaniesy. WVilliam Racilic. and Miss Janice Hall. Omicron Pi Group enertain at Mrs. içters home in hi IEv8fston. 0 Also entertaining wiIl be Mrs. CI Bacon, Mrs. McKnight, Mrs. H. O. Barnes of Wilmette, Mrs. Leonard Wilson, Mrs. Burch, Mrs. Haywood, Mrs. Stellner, aind Mrs. Triers of Wil- 91 mette. i ct lits. therce janet A will be F'oeter of gave nt hostesses wil bce Mrs* Ed- will Ames and %frs. Stewart V. muth e. Mrs. R. W. ias charge of the. mes macle byt" -ntuckv flioita-' WILME.TTE LIPE 3