Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Dec 1937, p. 3

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Cite Urgent Need of Irnro ing.Sanitary District', Intake Basin at ýWiltte i'le. o îoth shore rcen ta te any eniginecers iniprove the San,- tarv (istricts intake basin at \Vil- niette as a harbor of refutge for smail craftwilI bc heard before Capt.. S. N. ,Karrick tiext Tuesday at the new 1poý.t office building in Chicago. lintcrests Ôf otbçr conirunities on uic soutlîern shores of L4ake Michigan. front -%%iithroi) Harbor, 1ILI, to New :Butffalo, Mich., will also be preseiit to p"tïer. their arguments. * .Rsj>nseof the citizens of the nortli -lit) ~hohave written letters to the arny engineers i support of the ,ocal project lias l)CCIi highly grati- ;_1. leibmérs of the !Northi S1hore *Harbor association, who are backing the lirogramn, declared this week. tinie the topic %was 1arks. preseiit and future.. l'le (discussion wvas enlightening iii more ways than omie. I t revealcd a ivide interesti as evidenced h)v the capacitv crow(U: it~~i Iiwd ore tlian casual studv of the sbjecttrog exr- ýSions of op)inion 1w ý.varions speakers: it .developed smeWorth- wi>le,,suiggestions,, for definite action. anfiorng thein that a rý lniiiiarv land<-usr survev blw itnmnediatel.v uniidertaken. 1 t (I1(l more., 1t 1i'nvreild for coTn-. parison.tuie accomplishnients and po-I~ diction lu a irectlv utpontlile futulre of the 'park systemn. 1The Iresident of the Park board gave a clear and, concise report -of what t hbas done,ý what it lia s yet to do in its park imipro vemient programi and %vlat it expect, to do in the near future. A nienuber of the Zoning Commis- sion spokc of the obstacles with whicb it is faced in arriving at decisionsin zongn mal¶er.s.and b% tmpl-cton' 841r WIU. &*-f54tIela' Bring Food to Needy Homes MNl'. Beulah ,Robinîson. welfare worker in. charge of' the *Wiïlmette Familv WVelfare association office at 905 Ridge road. reports a splendid re- sponse on the part of Wilrnette po- 80High School -Pupils ticipate Sunday ýat Gymnasium» Pait.. Stùldents of New Trier Township high -scbool Will present the -2Uth an- nual Christipas concert'this Sunday afternioonfil the Les1ie Freeman Gates gymnasium on 'Essex road, be- ginning at 4:.30 o'clock. The concert, to be directed by M rs. Marian Cotton,,5.55 Hill terrace, WVin- netka,. head of: the music department of ýthe schooI for nearly two decadew, wilI be attended by 4,000 residents of the villages of the township and wil Iast one hour and 15 minutes. Close to 800 students, in opera groups, glee clubs, the Treble Cleif club.. .horuses Blocked ( itilen% ;hav~e Po hiarbor. tusecl for i vaclapIlîwi, of thec as bv the Coast Gu confletely filled i the entrance is blo V .f -1- - " Sand, A out tlhat the y ears l) the sanci and 1 by huge 1 ~iiciiugan s treacuerous squalls or thumdering northeasters.. At present, the, hiave no haven between Monit- ro*4se indlWaukegan. Ned Coat GuarE 'l'lie Ictivities of the Coast Gttard. whicli paitrol one of the busiest :tretches of water ini the world. are :greatly lianipcred by the sand barS. j h lihas heeti repeatedly pointed ont. 'l'le ;aietv not only of sniall craft reports the roiowmng coi disease cases for the %v tDecember 4: ChicIceipo\. 2; pnleumonia, 3. Communi ty sociation. Chest Leader' rîstma~s uiners. .An v lA~uU............. 1... .ý. Orchmestra us. response on thle Çaroli*"oh Come.XII Te FaithfuI" tils Christmnas bas- <Audience 0and Chorus) ..Eeading ~~Chorale ."Oh That 1 Had a Thaousnd the alPpeai Of the as- Volces- ..... Mentzer <1738) Glee Clubs anit -lioruss "A ve lariks Stella', . C........Orieg Comined Girls' OleeClb A.. anctus .................... Güc rs A re lee Clubs, Choruses and Orchestra Determined to Achieve from Tuberculosis rus). uni ot foods orie

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