Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Dec 1937, p. 29

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iiid 01 Uvcticra, itilthe n past seven 1periodij-al frecas__ao.1wiîîi bo'r'i; Ycars lia'. becin coinn1ected i îh United's %veathcr reports froin inîluierolîs wea- we.er veIopmnent service. thcr observiîîg statoàtited ai Ili Ilus new capacity Kaster ill be frecquetiti r~î over' ,the airwavs based et United's field. liead.quaerters are usvcl es a basis'for the deîrnîiint! at Chicago. 'Associated. with hini i tion of wcather analysis. working 611 current weather probl.ems, -l fove ver,. all bis7 inforinati-îi as~~~ aplcdt arueoeation, 's a suPP clie" ted Ib regular uipper air group of inclcorologists based àî key reports obtainedj fromn pilots of every ternunails on thé coa.st-to-coast route. United. Air [Unes plane ini flighî--aid .Kaster g9radùated -frorn the Univer- thiere are as inaniv as thirty planes ini sity.of, Califortiia ini 1922 and after the air eii..ültaieously. WViîlî bohth Ie several ,cars of varicd expetienice in %weather bureau and companfo11-rila-t the field of nxieteorology, aSsuined',lion. pilots and dispatcher., make charge oi 1thel Meteorological section thorougb anaIvsis and forecasts o f of the Boeilig School of Aeronautics v'rathecr prior tbfigi. at Oakland, Calîf.. division of U nited g_____________ ir Unes. everal years ago Kaster devcloped a .Sl)leratit," a..uniique and valuiable air navigation device which .von Iii %widc- sprüad p)roinenice. Jle then inap- training iii airline. nieteorology, andi thade vars ago United Air L.ines maethis.sttidl .available to (000 pilots. co-pilot s, dispatchers, radio operators and otheur personnel. Under l<asters direction îlic studv ln airlinc imetéor- ology lias beezi cotntied and( Uiiited's, citire flying aiîd d(IspIatcling persôn- (The Lagoon) Our lagotiti is a thiaîg of beauty. It achieves rnany picturesue difects with its ivhimsical, uneven shoréligie. A heas'enly boudoir, for elernity. Meinorial Parkl For injormiruion oeil fdr. Edwrd J. tmelua UNIversity 4266 on1 Sludav, l)ecenîbler 5. 'l'le golfden text was, -The lîcavcis' (leclare the glory of God, and thie fi rmameçnt sliee%%tb bis handiwork. Thierc is no speech îîor laniguage. % liere thecir voice is nI heiard- (l'salins 19:1, 3). Amlong th.e citatioiis wh%.Iicll colin- season.

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