~o Ave. MOTORS Ore. 4444, 105LTN29-1î(c CHEVROLET, .4-DOOR SEDAN MAS- ter 137. Radio. heateri, coniplete De- Luxe aeceesories. Private owner. Phone. Wlnnetka 2797. 10SLTN29-ltp A REAL BIJY. 1937 DE SOTO 4-DOO-XR deluxe tourlng medan. 10 weeka old. Driven lemu than 2,600 miles. *Jack D.. Stinson, Wihiiette 341. lOeLTN29-1 e - RENT-ROONS SINGL~E ROOM AVAILÀBLE, Ini conventent location. Also studio and offie e pace. Phone WjImette 2399 or 42-7. 116LTrN27-4tip LARGlE, N ICELY P'URNISHEDRO> WITH oeWIN JBED$. NEAR TRANS- PORTATION. M E A L 8 OPTIONAL. 819 Oak Winnetka 2116 11LN2-lt 12 WELL 1"MN1It1YflOfl'CîD GAàRAQE FOR RENT AT 162 Bertling Lane. Winnetka 2571. 140 vol e aNT-S*TORES Sa OFIoCES ATTRACTIVE, MODECRN OF- lice, 18x11. Joint usse of recep- ti hall. Park Ave., Glencoe. W.'G. Ruggle$ & Co., WiI. 1660. 140LTN29-t sil7 FotR SALE-HousES__ KENI LWQRTH t40 OXFOHD RD. SEE THIS ÀNEW, England White frame Col. on 100,ft.. wooded lot Just a block from the lake ln restricted neighborbood. Unus0ally large liv. rm. with French doors open- Ing onto scr'een porch, a picturedining room and kitchen with loads of cap- boards. Upstaire are 4 bedrmns. and. 1 b. and smal l eep. pcb. This ln priced at little pmore than accWal ground value. "Ail Things, Considercd" WE, DON'T REALLY LAY CLA1MI TO the «einence", attrlbuted to us fi' Howard Vincent OBrien's coluni,"i Things Consgidered," lu the D.iily News of November lSth, but discriis.atin.g IPeople do find their way to us beLauis e they appreciate the friendly perksonal Service our comparatively small organ- Ization is. able to render. May we be of service t0, you?. R. M. 'C.EGER &C. 529 Greenî Bay Rd. Wlnietka 89ý 147LTN29-lte OWNE RTRANSFER RE D WANTS -OFFER ON MODERN brick home, 4 bdrms., 3% batha, recrea. roi., att. gar. Many ex- Iras added to original qnet- itient. Price for imrned.' sale t17,r,00.00. Caîl Mr. LotI for aPPt. Now vacant-availabie at THE BILLS 4RE ALTV, fInc. 529 Daviés 1tr.e*4, Evanston Greeneaf 1166G Wilimette 3740 1471,TN2t9-1te SI - <qm 14 7LT2,.te 7Roornls, 2 Baths Price $10,500 FoUR ltBl*OCKS PROM ITUE LAKki'- 2blocks from sehool - 5 blioeks3 f romn transportation and, high àschn1e,, -rcounstruction. -,hot wlit.1r heakt -- 4 bedroonis <nfi second floor -, location, lVinnetka What a dream - enjoy the realization or il by càtli- W. G RUGLES& (). M17 Davis Street, Evan.9ton HoL. 6886 Vni. 6886 WiI. 1660 I 471,TN29-1 te JJ~ta INC. 421 Riehma 2 ROQMS WITH PR .Desirable locttion. % BATH. 61l2-tp W. G.R 517 Dai 901eWl? II!Ve.ifl 'qoUheas.t ilinneîka. insiuiation. Inflthe 0i- W illtka. rington sec(tion. on quiet strto. t- Lge. liv. rnm. for entertaining. Newiy Price<J right at' $27,500. We arc* lys, ile-orated iiislte an( id lafl(]-waP'ed enthusia.stie about this hou.-c [s- with loveiy evergreens. (lood -I beaîing and wt, helieve you will be todo. pilant with oil hlieaar. M*tovin lufor Co. Christmas. l-okanson & Jenks, hic.. BAUIVANN-CO(>K 513 Davis St. Gireenles'4f 1617 ,3Lincoini Ave., Wititetk;t Wimn. 34,50 41T2-Iq 14 7LTN2!9-îtc. Ho 9It Attention Family Mani Ho-lc ward Vincent OBrien's $EDO UCHI AN OPPOII1TUNITY W- - t10 buy a 7roo h, - 1- sar. z _-- 1584 Lit'ieol-ii Ave. 177