12 of Illinois cotfltfittée 011 .ai - ralization. tht Nationial CounllO j ewish \VWouien, the Iigiranit ' Ijro-. tective li!agtue, the Am( 1 ricai legrion, the I)augliters of teit rca Rv ohfiý,l, and the Sonsl of tlw .\înérican Revolutioli. The counicil instittte on ~ens day ivili he h.eLd ini the Co;înciV -icad- quartcrs. 185 North WàVaaslî avelne, Chicago, froml 10 in the îunoriiiig tr 4-3,1 o'clock. A 12 :1) lun(ieofl will. be sev4 un: eigWiill convenc at 6 :3J o,'lock ait t-h li- cago Wmnscltil- .Mis',Ce-ii a Raz-vNsky, as-sociatc.- iretor of the National Cottitiil of J ewkh Von1 wiII, be. the principal 51ekecr at both sessiOls, and '.011l also have a JromB- tient part ni the gurieralý conicrene' x the' following day. Miss Razovskv iý consitere4 on. of4Ille nation ..1;1t,- standing authoritirs on iinigrat and .naturalizatiotl law. It is unde.r -ler direction. that t1ie National Couni Cil of jcwvish i Vomn devlop ils ,service for the lorei-u l)orn, l. i d began soon aiter thr organi/cîtIOn1 was fotundcd iii 1893. Miss Razový1"Sky kolde.of Uni migrationi problemns %vas .rcco-n1/c( %vhueîî Jlaines G. Mc)cial. orînvr bliglh C0oîn1issionier ()f the [ageot Directs Pnetry Soie in E astern 'i enn esse . rie was nacle a section foreman of the stood the highest. railroad, but had no educatiofi. so at Miss Enslow made a pieu for bet- 8.years of age she began keepihg bis. ter undertandingof bier peole. They reports for bîm., are trying to get ahead, she saîd, they The children of.her f amily bad het- are not staying behînd. because they* ter opportunitiies. to get an educatioi, want to.> than other children ini the community ,Before the lecture, .Herbert Horn, because they could go on passes to pianist and artist. pupil of Walter a nearby town where seventh and Knupfer of Wiimetté, gave a deiigbt-' eighth grade and high schooi worl: fui progr .am'of five pieces, Wagner',« was giv en. At 14, when in ber seconie",Magic Fire Scene";- .On Wings of year of bigb scbool, sbe took a teacb- Song" by MendelssObnt Schubert's* er' eamfltin and passed it. Hark. HarthIar in startiin< The school given ber was nea e contras oe arh n h home, a place wbere they "ran teacb- "Tenth Hungariafi Rbarsod3T" by crs outt." It was b.eld ini a poor, dirty [Liszt. He payed "Little White Don-- ogbuilding witb ow o ae e" aa encore.FBM and no blackboards. For texthooks -he useti the Bible, Sears' catalogue, and an ahnanac. The second dav Mr. and Mms. Richard W. Hlickman, only thirteen pupils sbowed up, s0 shrI' r.. 1322 Greenwoodl street, are hav7- wenit visiting amlong the families of 'ng as their guests Thanksgiviflg day n)rosett p-up~ ftils.ConswetpIa-3 Mr ad.Mrs.jery K, Smith of Hyde (Under i arc in! prop Coordinating 1.Conltue 10r-%'i 1 Rtfugees and 1iliigraitts Coli ig fn rou Germian%. .t thite saine tiîfle MNI", Razovsky hecàtne excutiVe. secre- tarv of the Gerilan Jevish iCliidreti' Aid, Inc., andi stili holtis bot.h p)osts.î The Chicago sectioni of the National Counicil of Jewisli Woinxen naint;tin- anl a4ctive. lenartmietit of service for ritable P',c sisterho6d gyzeCSsupport. D.A. -R. MmIers Serve' EVENING DAYTIME SPORTS ýS 4