la going ýto surround the North annual Cbristmas tour.' The 'clubs ShoreHobbyand andicaft ill stop in Chicago 0on the evening Shor Hoby ad Hndicaftof Thursday, December 23. In re- show, at the Evanston Woman's cent years, 'th' clubs have veered club on -November .27, acrdn away from ithe usual form of concert, te rs.MauiceE. 'Brenand instead- give a sort of revue. chairs.M auo etri E t.= heThis year's presentation will follow, chaiman f'enertinnint. he hiý style of entertainment and the, show is going te be fun, and production bas been given the titie there is something for every of "Oh! Wbat a Nigbt." taste, she announces It is held The ballroom of the Drake hotel bas been reserved for tbe performn. under Chi Omnega auspices, from ance which will be followed. by a noon until miclnight. Christmas ball for both untdergraci- lu te ateroonforthe çhildren uates and alumni. Under theý chairmanship of Frank Gloria Rensch wi.l puat on: aPuppet j uhmo inta b oa show abis mi.nes b Lynn Gthe- il 4old. grade. are ,making plans to showhieinai,,etts. ynn Guhe-entertain the vîsiting mien before and ridge will amaze the ,childreii with after 'their appearance. Working bis skill as, a magician. -There wîll with >Mr. Durham are C. ,1L Felske be an exhibition oti ping-pong under of Highland Park; Richard Mattbies- the direciton of thé bsoys' Activity sen, Edward Doyle, Jr., Franklin P. adutsMay Ieimoh wîl gvea tlkDaily of Wilmette.; Clark Lawrence, on books and ixuth WatIace Wagner 1Erskine Wilder of Hubbard WVoods, a talk on old Arnerican lamps, jlist and Hamilton Allport, Warner Baird, before the tea hour.. Wesley Dixon, John Dole, Huntley Tea will be served from $3:30 until Gilbert, A. V. Jannotta, Edward E. 5, and Mrs. H. Wilfred Buis, who Sheridan, Waldo Tobey, Ross Mc- is in charge, aannounces that Mrs. Kinstry, and Champ Carry. Arne Oîdberer. Mrs. Edson HB.?nupr. Mrs. Johnu aughman, Mrs, . O.1H. Stuteville and IMrs. H. Claire 'Dees. Dinner will be served from -S.30 until 7:MO by Ma-s. Fred I. Norman and her comimittee, the Chi Omega Motbers' club. Reservations are te be made for the dinner, as onl>' two- bundred persoos cao be served. Jn the ,evegiing, from 8 until 9. there Ans important part of the enter- li)t»tibiM f the Ma~rj'Cane lèagtie"s nnal Spiow bal will be the donc- iaîg of Mariait Keeney and her partner, Jack Carleton. Miss Kecney is well known oit the ,sorth shore. Mr.- Canleton cornes fron Nm- York, qund las created awo l especially for this hall. Baar, 642 C sisting the Johnson, M R. Z. Sorcii or pîhanage wiII De lieitA nieig, Decemiber 1, at le borne of Mrs. A. R. y street, "Winnetka. As- ess wîil be Mrs.. Paul .F. Alfvin, and MUrs. \n Italian Count, Hiungarian consuil, Greek con'sul, the royal consuil gencral of ltal1y, aid jeanl Farduilli, we'll k'towll .oleraîtic baritone, will attenid the, Mary' Crane Snowbail to be hel(j Saàt- urdav, November 276, in ihe Gran;d ballroorn. Of. the Drake hotel., Witb Plans now cornpleted for- tl' event, nmembers are makin. gfinal ar- rangements to enitertain. their guests and friends at cocktail'parties before taking themndown te the: dinner dance for the benefit of the Mary Crane Nursery schooî at Hull House, which1 the league maintains. Mir. and' rs Hadar. Ortitian 'of Evanston will be host and hostess to. a large numnber of prominent per- sonages ta, c ock l 'L, .til Drkhei el befre the dinner dancc. Terguests %viIl include Couint AI- tonso Frachitti Guiglia of New York City who is flyinig lere especially to attend the Show baIl. Count Guiglia will escort Mrs. Johin F. Gail of Ev- anston. Laszlo M edgyesy, H untgain consul general and bis wvic,,Nlrr,. lu,. w'... aiso aiieIAi. ÂàiI * vvi11111V>' * Ui e president of the Chicago City Opera conipany. Otlier guests of Mý r. and .Mrs. Ort- man wili be Dr. and Mrs. Fran k Theis, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Karzas, Mr. and Mrs. Bror Dalilberg, .1r. and Mrs. Charles ,Hoffrnan, Mr. and Mrs.Albrt aiiner, and Peter Dicmi 40 WILMBTTB LIFL