Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Nov 1937, p. 38

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A six - rooni Colonial (loi house, piçtured, and described in. more detail elsewbere in this issue,, 15 onieof the outstaniding features in "Holiday Lne"at the.Kenilworth Union 'church-, bazaar on Dècember,.I.. Two other, intèresting features, of that' event Wvill be a fortune tel- ler for tiiose wbo love to looký into the future, and an artist witb scissors, wbo will"ecut vour siloueteWhile you wvait, the commuittee announces. A child'"s silhouette on a cardw'ill niake a novel Christmas greeting. "A grab-bg and4 a 114m potd willbe great attractions for the chil- dren.» "Ail kinds of gifts for every miem- ber of the famaly wilI bc found ini the houses of 'Holiday Lane.' Every- thing, too, in the way of artistic .4 harminq sir-rooni Colonial doiliho-me, Most artisiIqlv dreoraed andid frnithied by Mrs. Bentley McClàud and Miss MiriarnShiiuck', iii lbc a'big feaitire in HJ-olidayp Lane," ai 'the Keailivorth Union chirch 'azaar* om Dccenaber 1. Ilis eldccirically laqhted ad is na, won dis piay n a<ishow îéiadoit, of tire lWay',e Clcaning comnpaaav on Park drive jusi .west of the )Even tire growit-ups wili enjoy looking, ai ihis perfect piece of iworkn*ê,a- çhip. .4 'îeatlý' dressed litienaid stands iii the hall Io aisher in the pniests. Tiee nistress of ti fascinsating. home wuill sleep in an oid-fashi oracd four- p'oster bcd, tt'hle the guesis will e,, joi, ié~o comifora'able 1z'jn beds. The~ *living room is decorated in Frcench gray ith old Eûm lisir chinat ti he w~in- dozes. Tiredinitag ron is paiaa*ed o ale ydelow, and the baihroom anid kit cire are niodels of moderni excellcence.. li room is ottractivcly farnijhed ad electrically lighied. "hI ooks so real!",said a lit1e il- Saiurday iaorni,îg as sire' gaz-ed ion gingly ibrougir thee ?endow. M'\other Iiuibhards"o e horson Mlondav, Dece:fil>e(r 6, ,wleiithe Pantrv sale oi ith North Shore Congregat ion I1'- r-ae1.,Sisterbiood vil be lheld at the teniple in Glencoe. The Pan1i- trv salc is an annual1 event ini the Siserhodprograîn: the ýsole e 1n-nakiïng project of the %vinter, season, wvhich makes pos- s ible the generouis ainints sent to inany charitable orgaiza- tions froui the Sisterhood treas- tiry. Mrs. Williain Berger of Wiileîte iagain chairman for Pantry Sale day, and under lier competent guid- ance, plans ar shaping up for an event which promises to he even more suc- cess ful than pteceding oies. The various ceommittees working with M.\rs. Berger have planned attractive booths, wvhere home muade foods of ail de- Needlework-Mrs. Bentley G. Mc- Cloud,, Mrs. Alfred L. McDougal, Mrs. Thomas Coyne, Mrs. Gilbert R. Zeiss. Aprons-Mys. Charles Knighit, Mrs. Charles Ware, Mrs. Mlinniie Liinig- ston,. Mrs. Arthur K. Lee. W004 lier at 1 the the meti >da hot -avenue, o'tlock, for a dessert bridg ways and means departmei Wonian's Catbolic, Clulb of te. ýe for ni. nt of c .d of the Wornan's Club of WiI1 bc the guest of the iliary of that club at the meeting to be beld De- ,nmber, 2. Following dinnier, Hope elI known On the north to oxadwrapi tractive packages.. niers, A deliclous lunch WILMBTTE Ll'IE 's lio re very reasonably,

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