eut in LCi Oumega's Nrh bhorv Hobby) and Handicraft show which will beheld inithe %Womnan's club lin Evanston trOM 1n0o11uiitil rnidnight. Saturday, -Novemnber, 27. Tepatrons, and patroncsses nf ti)at1 occasion arc makingý a real ho1oh- bv of their 'job. They are w'orkiing hard to make the event a real succtp.s. first bécasv the p Iroeeds !of' the shw given to philanthropics * tO which the Chi Onega sororitv contributes. including the Mledical *Service of Berta cçollege inKentucky the Evanston Community, Chest, and the Northw%%estërtn SettIcipent ; and. i.CCLond, bhcctise' it wviI - e 1>chefirs'. hobby show ever ,lel(l anywherco * the iiorth shore. Amazing Accumulations î *MrsFraipký N. '\Iaont. jr.,the gvru- tral 1Chairmian, said vestcrday-lu t1wt accumuiilaitioii oi hobbies senit ili * waduits. is -ainaziing- as well a-,ll tcre-,tinig arnd thcse serit in by cliii drcii eiiiplasizc the iimplortanice oil hobbies to the Whokse-oinc ilin~a-'t tion i iioefroin svet vars oi MI rs. Vl-driitind Richer. chajrman niiiio the p)rogramn, has aniowiccd that drur- igthe aiterniooii there. wIli b1w;) k IF Mrs. Franke N. Hernie P hoto eon, Jr. tritical instruments ironi the Orient, jSouth Sca Island and .Soth .i merica. mouIl bi>ildi:xg ti> scale oi boats, coachc-s, Iousvs. airj)lanes. anîd rail- roads. etc. Th.1vgroup activitiüs showni (uring the event. wvhicli %vill seein like. a min- iature \orldIs. Fair, include the mu- ci uring tne *tIea 1-uutr. ' ls illrecently. lium b e iollowed by a talk by 'Mary Beim- W\arrcnýi's br f ohr oit "New Books for Chiildrefl." and Nlr..I In the evenitig. betiveen 8 and 9 datgter. NI, dclock, there wliIIbe aitexibit b' just recentlv the T'heater Workshop. untder the di- and werc ot rect ion of Hope Summiters. There City-. NI r. \vii1)e dancing f roi 99umtil rnidnight.. the famiilyv *ý tlici giIus. ur anmd farui ,;1,d R. 'Mar Elizabethî.I mmircd Iroîi licir way to rsh sa tN7ri EDGAR A. STEVENSI mc.Evno 1700 CENTRAL D. 9GANO Manager GRIL 2m A 'j Evansfon