THANKSGIVINQ (A Guent ditor i) Dy tMe Rev. David R. Kabele Mrnisier, Wil.nutte English Lutheratchnrch What a significant day Thanksgiving Is 1 The more we think about it, the deeper the significance grows. The fact that it bas stered mnemory with choicest materials revéals its value. !srael had a day that corresponds to Thanksgivlng Day, a day highly prlzed throughout the land, but the' Christian world was long wlthout an .antnual Thanksgiving Day. One wonders that It should have been so. There were occasional days.byoc- casional people. Three hundred years,,'ago the T* TO rany vllagers m ake their purchases, in, other markets because they talce it for granted that local merchants cannot supply their needs. A* personal inspection on the part. of shoppers will quickly convince them that at least a large -,Part of Christmas as well as year around re-, quirements can be found right here at home, and that in addition to the best In quality at fair prices will come the satisfaction that the money spent by them will be largely spent here by the mer- chants. That means helplng yourself by helping your town. STUDY IT CAREPULLY On another page of this newsl-magatine there appears a bulletin just issued by the Suburban Area and Country Towns Association of Cookc County, in which that alert on nizain avv- in, Îrequency othat clause which reads as Chicago, folloWing the exan ple of the federal governlent, is going in for public bousing, having! Ieased over thirteen million dollars worth of flat buildings. Oh boy!1 What juicy graft! If, as, reported, Etigland is. readv, to'give ac to Geitmany some of the colonies, taken froin bier aftr te Wrldwar,.it is a pretty clear.indicatioti that British diplomacy 15 at work. It's Than:ksgivfng, and betcha we get the' turkey neck. It's gçnerally, our luck, Not so bad, thougli, if. preceded by plenty of dark meat- and some generous -suices of the breast. Remninds unpleasantly of what the New Deal administra- tion bas been doing to ail of us for going on five :years.. Seems as thougli aIl the puiblic bas got is turkey necks,' and one woniders where:they get aIl of 'em, and what hecomes of the nice dark meat and the fiavory slices of breast, to say nothing of the dressing and cranberry sauce. Every tine the University adolescets think, uxp, soipe ,iwtrik to malce earth a heaven and bring to us ail the abundant life, they ballyltoo it as the greatest feast ever prepared for this or any other people. But every time, doggone it, ail we get is necks, and niostly scra*wny ones. A former teller in the Cook coumty treasurer'.s office has been convicted of stealing $3,0M. Had the amount been $3,200,000, lie would have been acquitted and'given a banquet. ang focus in the <onsciousnesu that fIlls the niind and warms the. héart. and may set the whole soul ablaze. It. 1, by this process that when we thlnlc ment as a qualil The prÔôiision out a more rex And it may tnt lector. your automobile 311.42 miles per hour. And double hvt fector.bri congratulatioils that you are stil! alive. , tit,. hav th efeciof rlging reaily, what good did you do? itative vote at aIl elections. THE MAIN.SPRING, Reminiscent of ye olden tynie when Fanmer John kept the kerosene cati near the kitcheii stove to lceep -the fiuid from freezing, on the bare have the edge. sentenced to 4,( by onteumansuthe disappearing. ;e Me." And soinetimes, please, keto) Tunt.P«ANTO R*Poim