United States and1 several foreigil coulitries. More than 40,000.. square feet of~ floor space wva% reqlàired to acconiodate the saf ety cxliibits.that are a feature of every Coigress. ThË le 1938 Congress' will have 0 sessions and more thaii 400 speakers. It Wvi1l toucli on) cverv coltccivable p base of safetv. This is the sixth congrüss t be licld ini Chicago. 'llt p revious ycars wvere 1914, 1927. 1929. 1931 and 1933. N.C.E. Leader toSpeak atCincinnati Meeting D)avid, N. Russell, co-dircetor of the junior higli scitool division of the Demonstrauion scbool at the National Coleecf Education, will spend .tiàe Among -the citations wbich 'rom- prised ilie. lesson-sermoni were th e following f rom ýthe. Bible: 1 -IJl greatl1- rejofice lui the LordI. my soul shall be joyfui in my, God; for lie bath clotlied me %vith the garmients p f salvation, lie bath covcred ime with robe c f righteousncss, as a bridegroomn decketh huiseif with or- nanments, and as a bride adorneth herseif with hler jeets" (Isaiab 61 :10). The lesson-sermon also included the following passages from the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Htalth with Key to the Scrip- turcs," by Mýlary, Baker Eddy : "Chiristian Science explains ail cause For J iager Sports Ena'tuiastt WOMENts. SKI SUITSýý Al.WooI Plaids AII-Wool Gabardines Byrd Cloth Sepamate Jsoketusud m Ski Puis Avfalei wofIms CaifskIu NMIung Beets, brwm or blu<t, fiom . ................SM meuns CaIf*Im Rldi»g Boots, Irown, or blareko tram..............S7.99 BAlLE YS, ING. OPen Tuesday, Thurada, <and Saturda, Euen., TATMAN r- -ý , jý 1 1 1