Traveling inciependent of any par. color schemne anîd beauty of the whole. ticular schedule, made itpossible for The Xiuseum of Modern Art at the mie to linger in the countries th9at expositioôn is.a.stunning modern build-i offered the gjreatest opportunity for ing, wllequippe'd fordipa pur- art observation and sketching. NKo Ips. h retehiither enrace wonder then, that 1 spént more of many phases of French art ironi' its my time in the famous art center off earliest beginning up to the prui;ent Paris, stopping in England and Ire- ~J ~ day. Examples of fine tape.;trie4 and. land enroute. j soute szulpture can be fcuntd. but thie The varied and unusually beautiful greatest space is devoted to the corn- cenery of Ircland, inspired me with plete history of Frenchi Paint ing, of a desire to paint; 'There is inuch to jail schools collected frorn nianvl couin- choose froin the rugged mounitains tries. of the west coast, to the stately old It was also like meeting old friends. ruin, and the lakes and.delis of Glen- IKeen Balfour M.%orrison Phnrto to see again some of the Cezanines, garif and Killarney. While the city Mien Calien.. Murphy Renoir and others, that graced the of 1,itbl in itseli-is flot £0 strikingly walls of the Art Institute at oiur own beauitiful, it -can boast of two art age a fine collection of Corots, a rare Centwyr of Progress exhibition. In galleries, besides a National Museum, Montecelli, and- many examples oi another section of the building was which bas a pre-historic collection of other schools. AIso deserving of men- exhibited a splendid collection of gold jewelry dating from 2000 to 700 tion is the rare stained glass in the Van Goghs. 'B.C. Of exeuisit<ePraftsmansd1,in ti4s k....,~ . kh;rvn 1....1 T'e-r4 art dis- taste as to Art ie strtr- The Art, a eru bul Mliss Lucy J'ane Iledburg ao! GIen, éoe is pres ident of the Yorth Shore lloîickCY associafion, iwhich is host Io thie nationdal bunin Cnt being piav cd ti 1 Thatrsda's. Fhid , and Saiurday at Phelps /ied, 'Nela)Trier Yig/i sehool, Indian -Hill. and<icw/irh ii conclude on Sainda> fitS/od Winnetkçan Treasurer for Drama Production The alppoinltuxent« of Georgc B. Everitt, 00 Locust road, Wtinika. chairnian of the board of the Nler- chandise National banik, as treasutrùr of the Civic comittee directing production of &6When Chiicago \Va, Youtig,' was anîouticed this m-cek by ine procus o go tote ganizations' proceeds. The is beinig i'corporated not-I ON CARLETON CAGE ,presented a most coin- i tnd civic et. sales, Own or- titerprise r-profit.