floiiund.qir, organlut antidlret During the morning urin4lbs~~c the chiliren wil b* e er*d for ini the junior church. untler thle elrIaa.* Our Sunday sho ne~li ail iiat menti; at 9 ;30 o'clotk undtr tht ew'u .4eterlntfenidency of Lincolin 4. Te -v. Ouaradult .Bible, ci Is Ineet frsuy ~t2 ococtaking a Ilibif.. eour .ý'ian the Blook of Revelalon. we .invite you. The Tuxis club, Uth14i r.. ru of young peoffle, *wili met tin the 'Inqtî,l ài ;):30 o'çloe-k an i wiII have (for ltm toplc. "How Tolerant Oîaght %Wt. to e~ led by ogan HBlgginb0tt-nm. Ail the yoUng people are invitûid. The Boy Scoutsa meet t4at ?Ihti'c Monday eveniog. -Spoke No. 3 ofthtie Moane snectv wilI meet Tuesday with Ms John Kiý,ft, 12~2I1 ForeWst avnue, wnt ¶1 w'(Iel<fibr~ e1sert 1uncheonm. decrieud. It 38 for us tuait the hue and cry about rezoning is being raised. Perbaps a presentation of mny side of 1iving 111 Wilmette %vould be of in-ý In the first place,, having lived in a single family dwefling ail my lif e, 1 hiate and <espise apartiments. Par- tictilarly do 1 despise the 'madeover'. old bouses, flot because they are old, but I)ecatIse they gencr.alIy lack any of the. elemnents of privacy and are hardly more than a make shift. 1 can live at horne with my parents with more, success., Regular apartments, ,w;th separate entrances, somewhat soumnd proof wvalls, and w ell planned rôooiis, 'are tolérable, altbouÙgh they lack nucb in cross ventilation and are too closely crowded ini. In other words. 1 want to live in a an' apartment n wa private nome-but a single bouse which 1 can buy rea- sonably which if fiew, mnust be on lowpriced ground and a prefabricated boue, or an old house bought for ground value alone. And F- don't want it in or neéar a n aparîmient district, f o r i y c b ild r e n 's s a k e .11 It seerns to nme that the present rezoning probleni is two-fold, zoning oif apartment property for older s0- cially es;tablisbed residents not wish- ing to niove froni the village, and mod- ernization of. building code in con- nection with IoW price, single dwellings for younig folks. There is, according to mnen of 0w-ýp.riced homes suigetçpd in a letter appearing in thîs department on iýi$ve mber il. The wriîers are a Young couple who have no idea where to move on next May flrst. W'e have both lived in bouses the greater part of Our lives and are distincty condi- tioned to theni. The idea of in-a-dor beds and Pullman kitchens doesn't appeal to us. Neither does thie idea of parking the car haif a block awav~ froni the front door, We want room to breathe and- a feeling of -per-, manency. That is wh'at living in W il ette bas doue fotr Us. e, The plan proposed lu the letter re- ferred to above was that the village should underwrite a bond issue to build sataihomes in the rnectiona . Spoke 4 wilhl anet oni 'rs4].<ay for a ail-day meeting at t.41w homie of 2%r.. f Eeorgt,- A. Shierwood. #;:'1 <réenl'1af Secui :kVt -iUe. bave ni st to, On Sudayabout $500. Bivir be J)dy, ecember -\,ye wil hlave a<owiayno -,Communion ,seryicùe. moembt.rs onpynn wl er(eeelved «tat ~tjiiit. to save ili the pi - walited oi $2,000 'l'le Session of the, churel wil meet cost of living haw Suikday morning, Decenbtqr -5, t 9:30 and 10:30 O'clock to reveive new mern- wheaat fedieral andI %-001 eoie [te ta: ,s are st>- mode 1 to v R.WL a 'n.,-. g ,,; -per D. P. of the ib linLy Of t vens-a