and Aler Templef±on b appearcd Thiere are lcw ~wkr like Bishop xnainl. \risiorc poplc, wbo have icard bini caimot uidenstand ýwhy he Ilas îlot becil hrougbit to the shore bc- fore and peopIle who have heard,,h reports-of bis talk before the Chlicagt)o Sunùday Evetiingclu!b reccnttly arce x- tremnely auxious to bc rcesent Tues- dlay night. Outtandimmg Authority Bisbop Oxinam is a religious leader, a f eduicator, an autbor, and a. Public lécturer. He studicd. at the University tif- Southertn Califoriia, at Harvard, at the Massacbiusetts Ilistitute 'of Technology, and ini japati, China and India. Evcry sunimer lie travels abroad to the key spots of the world. tlteUni Boston ~vsth vers it v. .-b( llý. *~ ~ ~ M /.,,qddin196 yilariah tPePer Christiani 1.utkiu, the .nrhve teri ukrsity .'A Cappella choir, (al>ove) w1h1h:'iI a/'ear fil Il Iiiietlete tireî of Dëennber 8. ij: oteiof the videst colle ;orgoi:-atioîas of ils kind, ini Thechirba tlaved a siginuicaut rok i Hold [ast Rites for Frnk W lsn Bakery esternix u vas hield tration. Single For those %N keen pene- 1- Maron kremer, chairnan i egroup ore.Arî