~LM A G 1V1N41ETKA1469. *T7L28 1tp 961.TN28-lte WANTED:- QENERAL flUSE MAI) DL1T ADY ~white, »mil famhly. Ref. requlred; REL<IABLE H JELP Phione Wilmette 5001. Q7LTN1~28-1te IIAIDE -. .'COUPLES Best of wages. BS1 S 96 WAITgD-MAIl..g Carlson's Emipl. Agcncy .IAWLEIGH ROUTE. NQW OPEN. 818 Elm st. Winnetka. 1175-17 Real, opportunity for mnan wbo waints .11724tfcpemet, profitable work. Sales way Up tht, 3ear. Start promptly. Write Raw- MIDDLE AGED COUPLE, WHITE, 0F leigh'a, Dept. ILK-761-K, Freeor, 11. exicellent charate dependable, ex- *L8t perienceil, desi,'e position ln amail fam-l ilGood rfrne.Genla 83 »~ , YD-.~L ML 9îLTN!28.ltp EBA R ETHEL'S PLACEMENT SERVICE 13TEIJB)TERPY 111gb grade domestic helpBTERO-ETRPA Week, day or hour. UL68 SHORLINE -EMPL. AGY., 1906 Gen a Rd., Evags.Un.62 74g IMM ST. WINNETIZA 96LTN28-2tp 99LTN28-ltc ST NUP WATmp-mu~gMAIDS ANDCOUPLES 831 AKERFORGOOD WAGES ...BlBAKFR]PORLindgren Empl. Agency 'BETTER .oa-IBrTTER PAY E.. Atblished25 years a SHORLINE EMPL. AGY. 7n' EIm st.WInn .1047 I 746' ELM ST. WINNETKA 99LTiÏ7-tftc 97LTN28-ltc 109FOR S 19-AuroosfiL 1 GI E N E R A L HOtJSEM4îD, WHITE, Dy1< ~WL-Ir 'OmÇ TAT. BTA"OGO 3ADULTS. I3IBLOCK. ~uiL~s TO I»AN LL. WINNETKA. 726.L 97LTN tpA E3PCERIENCJ0 WHIlTE GIRL FOR TI>IU general bousework and asslst with AK0 PC care of 2 oblîdren. Have laundress. OUR LAKO PC - f3nali hse. Owna room. Refs. Wilinet!e 2937. -97LTN.18-îtp FRCE...J S sTO SEILL IETIIIPW IULrdXgA - IATI 6 PlYmouth tuder sedan ....... P5 '35 t4tudebaker tour. -)isedan 4 '27 Ford Caib. Club cpe. DïIux. 'l 5 Auburn conv, sedan ....... ÏP1 '36 tierd conv. coupe . i '36f OIds 8 tour. 5 sedan .. ;!.' '351 OIuIs tourlng coupe. 8. . .. :!n 1810 RId.le Ave..,IVil. 95f;. lvin. ii».." '321 Ford oup. Rumble set, gondl ti. *new paint. 31Ford conlv. coupe. Perfe*-t running condition. (-,'ood tires. '32 Nash con v. sedan. New top, new Paint. .1 2 Piymouth tudor. A-4 cond. '33 Hludson sedan. Cood bot -water 4its. 1 yr. guar. Best buy of seâson. 1131 Auburn brome. 6 wire whls., ,33, Ford coupe. 338 Auburn 4 tir. sed., side nts.,. radio. whltewali tires. New ýv-paint. A-I cond.* The Idéal famlly car at dê'pres.qibn prices. ý29 Hudso;n brome. (iood 1running conti. ETARRTNGTON MOTO .RS 1110 Chicago Ave. <Ire. 4 4 .4 I O5LTN28-Ite lis FOUR RNT-U@OMB LARGE, NICELY FURNISHED RN!., NEAR TRAN~SPORTATION. SUIT- ABLE FOR COUPLE. MEALS OP- 1ONAL. 819 Oak St. Winnetka 2116. ROOM4 For rent at W6 LIN DEN AVE., IIUBBARD WOODS1 116L28-ltp LARGE section. 2 bedroôrns, elt-etrie refri4. 'viii decorate te s -Uit. Algo 4 rip. apat., x~~ exposlur e oerlooIçing residene.. SeeVt i.,j LONDE N MANOR Frank A. Reid. Agent 970 Linden Ave.H b ar >d Winnetka 1300) 936 JUDSON AV]*'4NUv 6 ROOMS, 2 ]BATHS. 'rHis is a 'highiy desirable front ag.m rî- ment. Alil large, Iigbt ro4o<nl,, tii.. 4ehiool>s,' 'transportation ai Shopping. McGUIRE& ORR, finc. 430 Davis St., Evans. <Ire-. l0S f ll. 22- SUNNY 3 ROOX I TcN TTi Ti te be sublet, fuàrnised or u f r k eî after Décember 1. 1095 Merrilil st. litai- bard Woods. Ph one Il. J. Pilbatnugh, Winnetka 2363. l2SLTIN2ý'(, ,%0)t:N % O MAP;L4VI NO IR. with bcd. Bedrm., tile batlh witii shiower, dînette, k1tchlinettt- and brkfs1. nook. Reas. rent. Wolff. Wil. 1724 £J>~EIt. 'S-Itp EX- only. a. ni. week.. j Mo 97L2î-ltp ZERAL '.35 Pop ss. 2 rad Il Ave. Iocl dioui3eW' sehoolg dels, recond. & guar.. ,Satuirday Special! Intlac sp4It. cut. )1 Low 11 1i0, heater, wvhite sidewaîl oksand runs like up BEAUTIFUL ROOM WITH PR and bath suita bic for 2 ladies, or up Twin bede. Seott ave., 3 blks. Ira andi shopping eenter. Winnetka 542. 1.11>1161 SINGLE BOOM AVAILI In convenent locati( ýtge. Also studio andi nffle, stu 846. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1~ L X -t ~28-1tpIN SPANIStI CoïnrT IVATE Attractive, lighit, w elî *eated, flirt). 1L.& couple. roomn apaartment. ReasonabIc. r,.,it. ns n Harrison 1043. Wimette 412. 28-1 tp SuTBIEASI......FVj,, iROOM %Fl' NIS11- - ecd flat, garage, from Der. li titg>' may Ii sI. 989 EIm strcet, %W innotk.. ) n . 1 9 2 - t ce. 12!4___ ______ ___1_t