Family WeIfar, epeaqts pies to Villagers to Help POI Thsnkogiving Baskets FiIthe barrels !,-Fili, them, aÙd fil them again !1 That is the rallying cry of Wilnette family Welfare association in 'its presçent effort to see that every-needy famiiy in the vill age is supplied with a tasty. hcalthful, satisfying Thanks- Uivwing dinner. A good start bas afready bees made. Barrels have.been placed ini every food -store to receive contributIon' Of ýcanned. and. package foods. vege- tables and other non-perishable provi- sions that can be packed in baskets ;n, advance of the great festal day. H-ousewives and other nuarketers arýe urged té "b)ùy dô le*' o" nce for'theïr own uise and again for the barrel. 1--il thern every one. F111 theni ie and agamn. for t:he need is great and the Welfare association lias plenty of places for the disposai of evervthi ng zenerous villagers will give. .Need Momiey Domatiohm NIrs. Beulah Robinson. social wel- fare worker ini rbarze on<f th We ar Cong'I Young People to Hold Joint Meet The Wihuette and i Wnnetka, Cou- r egational young people's groupswiill hav a union meeting, Sunday, No- vember 21, at 6:-30 o'clock in the Win- netka Congregational church. Paul G. Delaporte, teacher of physiology ini the New Trier High sehool, will be the speaker. Hie wilf give a talk; illustrated with moving pictures, on the European trip he took with a group of yoqnig people Il vôotn' ig people i0 the -Wilmette ional church -will meet at ýtte church at 5:45 o'clock to Winuetka as a group. Play Ares., to -Bel Dis»ubç st Open Forum At il$ ,nontkI3, Ingheon meeinq to be iueld Frida3', Nie m',ber 26, the Wil- miette Cic tleague issto dévote the tine to a disecsion of the park andid >fy- grownd question, whih lues bren, sin a sort of suit rosa faitho ni.qginq te attention of forward-lookisiq citi.zenç for sonie tinte. Air ni the imalter of révision of .:-on- Ïng rejoulatious, thii, action of.te Ciir league as îinfunded tobrinu the moot Pro bien, 0ýf Park, and park districts ,mbt the oPen, tthuru if cas. bu sertifinised anid duscuused fi' interestaed eitièm 1*iIiage rason .of tortunâte Iamilies in thle village wJil t~J enhiaîce the ciljoy met ô f thtir own 1m homiday rmeas wi*ethechidre The present agitatio >ecurea practical lesson.i cbarity, by oigodanet p assisting underprivileged' chilcire n to against the expansion oi have a good substantial Thanksgiviuîg tion of large apartment nical. ~ ~ so perfectly dovetailed >ti for a liberalization of the Wilmette1 )rovicie the,, greatest possible protection f commercial areas, as well as the erec- buildings, gives rise to another question 1 with zoning that it is impossible to iereiim again bé the sl