Tliauksgivimg Fuli Dinners Turk.y Duçk, orOY 0 Fri.d Chtck..... Tues, W.. ,Nov.mb.r 23, 24 VEtIISON STEW IWith Bread @y O0" Poro.. VhIh FIEUX rGATSKY 3- Jt m nire famIUy willenjoy tila toTy of a- professional model who poses as a s ociety girl, and is sel ected as queen of the artists': hall. Some unusual features and assisting artists'add im- portant and interesting ýbits of enter-. tainment. ClsaapugaeWatt.(Paramount), with Fred, MacMurray, Gladys Swar- thout, and jack Oakie. With Mac- Murray as the leader of an American "swing" orchestra and M i ss Swarthout as the grand- dauizter aof the louIs at Dea. (Pi ed by Henry Hail Cooper, George Raft, Frances Deec, and, Olyptpe Bradne. Preview- ers were unanim- ous in their praise, of this thrilling film of a marine trial of long ago. Ship scentes are realistic and the photography re- markably beauti- fui. Expert- direc- tion and acting, in addition, make this a worthwhile photoplay. ount). I)irt'ut-- y, w iîh ar George Riafi Sdancing by Arneni room team, V<eIoz a mnir imsual ience-s have Moore and 15 RJfllIsing 't- illl)ers hore, ---' -'b- flumuer of fine musical inuilbers as ýmment of the pre- well as several: welîî;.tstaiid tter Films. council. comedy scenles_ dut (Parauiount). hin 1cm. (2ýOth Centur-.lox.> IDi- Adore Reed, with rected by Sidney Lanfield, with Son- rtha Raye, Andy ja Hellie, Tyrone Pou-er, Art hur rawley, and Mary Trcacher, Raymond Walburn, Alan- 4snebn"** Hale, and Sig Runamrn. The lavi-sl t. prelsen te Ayr