8 p.m.-Monthly eyenlng service. MEETINGQS Senior Walther league. Yriday3;, 8 p.rn. FrlFendship circle, PFrlday, 8 p.m., with Mrs.- J.. HI. Gockel, 406 Prairie avrenue. Chidren'. Chistian education classes, Baturday, 9:-80 a.m.; We dnesday., 4 p.m. Adut cateèhumen class, Monday, 8 pm., ln the pastor's study. rs Representatlves of the nineteen pars districts, Tuesday, 8 p.m. The order of service at 11 o'choý,k on Sunday wii include the follorIng: 1. Preude Recitativo et chorale .Guilmant Introit-"Have Mercy Upon me,.....................Schmauck 8ol--iThe Prayer Per*fet".... S>tenisôn lira. G..F. Simons Offertory-4'PreU Dich. Sehr, 0 Meine. Seete" .. arrangcd by Best 'i'beSèrmn-"Ecrnit'-Whre Wll You Spend It?ý. . Mttliew 25 :24.4 1.46 Postlude "Ài1ein Gtt in der Hloeh Sel Ehir".....arranged by Best 'TheoI'dC 0f eviee at 844c1.ek-54e evening will lnelude:. Preiude-"Mache Dlch Mein * Gelst Bereit" ....... arranged by lest. Anthem--"MyCoud, Accept 'My Reart This I)ay",(the Junior choir).................... Brackett * OIfertory - Elegie ......Borowski The Sermon-"T.ie Parable of the Ten Virins" ...... Matthew 25 :1-13 PostluEe-Prelude ...........Borowskl The musie for the servic-e of wor.,4111 next~ Sunday niornlng is ts follows: Organ Prelude-The Belis <of St. Anme................ Russell Anthemi- -0 -rise tne Lord........... Tscha ikowsky The Senior Choir Quarteýtte-.My %ýFaith Looks 17P to Théee......... Arr. Fearis Joy.Wil-son Pre-ssier. M.Nrs. J. Il. Hopi), Jeroire Nevlns, Frank Dorband Postînle-Prise the Lord, Ye People........ ....... Lemmens Victoria MLcLeod--%Ii.,try of Music. The, Woman's 4society. *111 meet on Thursday aIfternoon of this %,eék at the home of M.Nrs. H. Nevins, 1.5'32 Lake ayenue;' at ý2 o'lock. Mrs. J. H. Hopp wlll bé the amsisting otes Tie. Confirmation clas.4 wrllI meEt on Thursday afternoon at 3 :45 oclock. The Adult clasof instruction will meet on Thursday evening'at 7 :30. Senior choir rehearsal. Thursday-ee Junior choir rehearsal, Saturdwy norning at 10 o'clock. On Friday evening of this week, No- vemiber 19i, the -Senior Luther league will again present the t4iree-aet comedy "The IMummy and the Mumps." The charac- ters have displaye<l some unusual taient in this plaY. Do flot miss it! Curtain, 8 P~. ice 7C.i a.m.,,at No~rc Sore u a-~J.ptis' vhureh, with Rev. Charles. A. Carmait speaking. Dr. Allison condùets, the west. sid'. service, at :Oak Park.> The.Qe are inspirlng annuni .affairs. The Wilmnette churühe.s, iite il, ! c'mnuntyservice oit, 'haniksglving 11.1. at 10:30. This y'ear thepreacher wil e Dr. John il. 1Hindley nnd the entertain- ing church, St. Augustine's. A fine ont'-. hour program i s planned. The Evanston confertenice oit Chris- tian life and work nIlete SUnday eek- ning at First Congregation.dl church. and 01n Tue-sday nt-xt at First Methodist t'hureh. .A îaunber of Wilmnette reprt- sentattji*e, have been nttending this. re production of the Oxford and Edinburgh conferences. Young People's soclety ont Sunday wili have the Thanksgiving theme, presented 1.y -Gads Pheips' group. Also plans for coaing meetings. Al y1oung people~ are > %1tSft0; -ftetihg tt'0 P3n: Music'al rellearsals as follows: M.%e's ,chorus on Tbursday at î :30; chorus choir at 8 o'celoèýk ; junior .Aîoir. on Sat- udan.tt 9:30. First Presbyterian Nlnth street at <retîaftaeiue Janie.s T. Venekiaseta, minhaster oan Friday evenig, Naven>.r !,ti annuital meeti-ng anad (enios nstî'atimii, r Erie lielghb)orhood lou.se wil b>c hi-'l< at 6.:15 'lock. l"riends ni thë hItou.ý-- a ~eniitd.supper %!l ie-1wservtcl, AtoUi' moraing st-rNvi-e'e uiffl;c, No, ~uiîr2I, glus o f foo)d ain tip'ti i u ' iii le Ie v' for. the poier of i h ity di»n4;iséred throisgia(h ie sIti tutt' and i t'g bilî. t Iliew;-. First Con gregational. I<apîrî 1*11, hi . .. 5:. pn Mri. flifidtit'y vilipreacli on tIi., linl. -"'lhianksgiv'lag ik tlitItiglit Isc<l TIneilioiiiiing lnuie .wilIlie as il. Organ 1'relulu-chor-ai "No% 'l'haffi< Wl.,. Ail Our iJud«' t'ami.> the Lord-'. 'utl t ) rgai i I"ô'tudk. -i; 111î; isy mn 1 (t4jle fe1ut ~i i'at (aies Ilile Wet 18 ankisgiving. Uinma*'r j- ý,Ioe IZUnd ilU i:30 o'cloclk.' Lnjoy this fil * i The Sunday sehool will meet in, t i departmnents at 9:30 o'ciock. to I al for. be 7:30 p.m. Campflre Gilis at thie homne of Dr. Hazel M. }iodges, 701 1"restl avenue 7:30 p.m. Boy Scouts, Troop 1 Wedesday, Noveniber 24 7:31) ».m. Boy Scouts, Troop lhursday, Noveniber 25 10:30 a.m. United ThanksgivingSe- ices, St. Augustine's Churchi 3:30 p.m. Girls' choir rehearsal 4:00 p.m. Boys' choir rehearsai 7:30 p.m. Senior choir rehear.-al