fthle at departnmcnt t wih .Ms.:mÎlt the sandOwichl MIUp wPnere RaIlh Peter*soii. studio as;sistant. isabe weeset wt ae npis" in hare o te rrohct.a -rop <ifand a ing couniter wvas reacly, laden 1) six 1-ssons. and "famniiy nighit." w , ith platesofsnich adpkest Thelater s nnouicd a a"jî~L an pots of coffee and pasteboard in for fun,time..whlii shands bend to plates and cups. Thèse wbo had made art and %.Dur children pa csetalieon re-;erVatiolis, ate upstairs; SI toeWho liad not, ate below. It %vas- to your creations: ýat ýa- dinner. toast to creative r mia eii~~ iIke a party in Bobemia, theysaid. ior al with paint and.1 cia"." ln the àiteriiooii,,Helen Lercb Mil- 1cr, a C.iicago sculpture, modeled in, 7lay, keepi.ng uni a lively chatter as . ;ie modeled. OnCte::sie called attén- DL 'TLlion to the "fuîl forehead" of the iYa Lon ook 'The:hiArt h'a -lite as making-"for a Subcfofclild is ail perceptioni." Again,, of the DuBoub-h. Drof Nexi Review -aine héa(I, site said.. "The upper lip At, a tea «rcez ai/t the h(Ia'e o edik0i1m 7nLons"h heconics 1part :of the, child's cheek her parents. AMr. and Ars. Georqe Art', will be.reviewcd by Mrs. Hen- and the lower lip part of the cii." R. Ienson, 210 Mc1l rose avenuery G. Zander, Ir., nctMnayA rhd rw ie thougbt, showed Kepnilziorth, annaotiercernent was PPtade morning at 10 o'clock ini the padlors of thse euayagernieft of ,Miss Kathry)i of the Wilmiette Cotigregationai Aiw Beilentt to Ridsaird Jk..Ciidwr-, hli-uih. Th hou1 as b«een avaned, - son of!iMr. and Airs. Richard F. in order to give greater time ne- Culver of! Westhanptorn, N. 1'. cessary to lte treatment of this monumental work on the history of the arts. On titis occasion currn CvIents wililibe omnitted. In New York "The Arts" is lte leading best ee. Supper Dance WilI Be Thtis ser les of book reviews is under 'Swing Timne' for Juniors the auspices of the North End circie. \Iotdav's review will be the fourtit All tireat of the sad fate that of lte series, and wili bc open to Bruce Owenls. CluIb wltvfl atey wuîIUImet (- " first formiai supper danlce Of the year. The party is beisng Planîtieciby Mrs.1 Lorraine Crawford (Mrs. Quinltil), chairman, assisted by Mrs. Estellei McWlfiamis (Mrs. F. G.), Miss Laura Lou Reichmnann and Miss Jean Up-~ layed the group, a nineteentn CCH- mry serenade showing the Russian- tfiuen..e, a song, a fifteenth century. [talian piîece, and the Neapolitan Serenad .F. B.M. FIrepro.f Waeh.un, Chairs and Tables .fo Rm# UNI OM W Y ff Apui-A IVa Lm t StillI the same iow price .. . $1.00. ineluding Neme on Cards end plei Enveopes to im&tch . You wilIIwant to s.od loads of tues. che.ry gr*etlngs.