Mrs. C. D. Ewer, 1111 Ash-' land avenue, Wilinette. %-will openf her 'home toinorrow at 10 o'clock for an ahl-day > ewi eeting of. the Wilimette 'Garden club. Trhe sewing ivili be for-tiue bene- fit of the Christmias collection,, Deceiner 17, of the Chicago Plant, Flower and Fruit guild, when gifts for children and adult.s ill be distributed to the. settieinents and Visit:ing Nurse associations which rcceive :Wil- mette's flowers and. frutits for distribution during the summer. The members of the garden club are asked to. bring sandwichies 'for luncheon. Mrs. Ewer will serve. coiffce. _Eacb member is asked by Mrs. towel, a r coat:; be beld in, the church baseinent tô.4a), (November 18) from 1 o'cock iii the a fternoon to 9 o'clock in the eein, and w'i11 include a churchi supper to lie served froni 5 :30 to 7:30 o'clock Tbi*s,- eYetit is the largest of tfie social activities of the c citrch or-, ganizations during thc yecar. and. circle groups. are particip)ating in aar effort to make it as, successful as. those in past years. Beautiful haud- :made linens, children's garments, aprons, and toys are on the ar- ticles sippplied by the=crls In the afternoon from. 2 to 4:30 "ocoktea wiIl be sgerved, by Mrs. D.J. Hiartnett, assisted by Mrs. H. F. Blittner. Mrs. Williamn H. WVeiss bas been p ut in charge of the dinner, M~Albert Wôl'ff, assisted 4yM rs. E. F. Frommi, supervising the dining room. Christmas decorations ivill create a festive atmnosphere for the bazaar, and a red and white color scheme has been selected for the bazaar dinner. The general chairman of the sale ing ani the sulpervisinig 'i Moffet PhOtoý Mlrs. Jamtes F. Rapsisey, 1318 Washinîgton avenue, is pres4denit of the Juiip»io #ildio f i'té Iiiiette Parish MAethlodist chîtrch zwhiclî is spoinoring the carnival of. the Flog'er festival Io bc lld Thurs-' day and Fridai'. Nor'e»ber 18 anid 19, at flie church. 1 the circles bc s fol-CiTO Club The North Shore and Chlicago, Vassar 'clubs, joint hostes,,ês. t(- tlie, assar Aluninae associa ijol at its semni-atnnual mieetinig Over thé week-end of N-Oveniber .19, 20,'and 214 wilII ni'eet their gutests onl Fridav at the opening tlnc-- eoni of the confereèncie at - he, Edge\vater Beach hotèl. - Mrs. Kerith Prestoni of Evanston, ahd Mrs. Cvrus. RI-:Siiith o f Chicagzo,, prcsidénts of the two c lubs. 'li w eJcoîne the alunrac. Fofl0w- ing the luncheoni a meeting of of the clubs and branche.s wifil e hed ld nder the. chairinanship of Mliss Elea- tior T. Grier. ýFriday aftertnootiwill 4e *d'vied to a series of tripsý planned by the Northý Shore club. :Miss Helen Chap- mati of' Evanston will conduct one tour to the Hall of Man at the Field museumr to sec the famous bronzes by Mlvina Hoffman, and to the Chicago Historical Society museumi to sec Mrs. James WVard Thorne's miniature roorns. Miss Martha Vin- cent of Evanston will conduct an nu nand U owels, and the it and nmade into robes, probes for convalescents. les made are to be given tion 'at the House of 3052 Gratten avenue; the ýf Chicago settlemient, 4630 Al street; the ,VrstinLg * Social circle, Mrs., George ion, ch a i rma n, hand-made S. Y oung Mothers circle, Mrs. Id. Milles, chairman, toyland and a necktie booth. Winnetka circle, Mrs. 'Paul chairman, men'sý and womnen's :erchief bnnth. Miss 'vaje lecturer oc .ion. 'she 'emy ~of 1Y iiuJLrlsDLIg on. 'Fi........... , W"' VSI'te Lradle and will present a the Deering Memorial library in Ev- of the' Home." ýanston, and' other points" of interest sa professional on the north shore. At 4 o'clock, i, and decora- Mrs. Andrew MacLeisb ivill entertain ýe of tbe Acad- the aluimnae at a reception at ber 'Chicago. She estate, "Craigie Lea," in Glencoe. 46 WILMETTB I#