vember i,, the '.,ranu nballroom of the Drake hotel will be theý scenie of, the annual Mary 'Crane Snow bail spon*sored every year by the Mary Crane. league. Di- uer il bc s'erved 1from 8 tntil 10, and the .Pinkey Aarseth or- chestra has been engaged, to play for the dancing frorn 10 un- tii 2 in the morning. For. eariyd.ners, a group ol strollerS including a inarimnba player, %vill* pro- vide diversion for the guests. -In the cocktail room -and, the :game roomi, a girl accordionist will divert the guests. Arrangements have been mnade ior card playing by Mrs. Ambrose Wechselberger, for thos'-e who do noi disciose so the have a The parýy is an hnual even, and 11r s. %Valter Farrar has beén placed in charge of the arrangements.. !Friday night of this week'the people of Shawnee :%ill have their next partyý, a Junior High dance. A Night in Harlem is plainned by the entertainnient committee for thec next big formai party at the club. A colored orchestra, Freddv Vil-; liam's band, lias been engaged, and the i0oot show promises three out- standir'« features. Dolores and Pedro. a dancý- Leam, w.ill entertain, and Ada, Barown, a blues singer, is to -give .s.ev- eral pumbers. The best k1nown of the artist's who will be there -thàt nighit are the Three *Lightning Flashes, a tap dance trio of international réputation. They c-ome from the Folies Bergeres and ,thie CQo o cub4 ,Ricard Huivellof Wilmette is in charge of this affair. frTo Hoid Open House rvm Anopen hnn;e for the i SerIn S fa Kocol of the *"Ko1- Oi n a jtr- iturda ' vNo- ýs froin the K/taRoe lnew hoille of '\Mr. anid M\rs. Charles. W. Mig i~Calter- bury court., XVilnctt,, was the scene'of "at ome" Iast St Îtrday aftcrnoon froniî 3 until -6, for the l)nculit of1 the Opera stu- dent, futid. Nlrs. Wiîe s Cu ulelil)ber of theý City ()pr collnpanv coiliflittCeŽ lu ViI miette, of 'vhiIirs. llarry D., !Brîggs is chairuxan. affair ai t which tfere %vert several. guests o-zof 111.r :JohliîCharle.s ThoM- as, Robert Hla.1 McCorxnick. exect- tive v.ce-prc.sid ni i Json Winv presidenitofi heOpIer;i co:npan lv. and Mrs. \'hïiev%; IPaul Loilgonve. et; manager; Anna FitZill. v'ce retarv, Artists giving thc musica'c Wtrrc Galliano M.\asini, I.ouiý,a Hoe. Eliza- beth Brown, and Franîk 'Taylor. Prc- ceding their singing M rs. hlcen Searlès MVestbrook, cuinent org,,atiist ocf Chicago, played the new organ wicbMr. \Vrig1e3- had j tist prcsente(1 to Mrs. \Vrigley. Mrs. W\esth)rook is president of the tnnsGidof progress sof JEvanston and Mr! r <'f Chc,,, * -FrderckL. Orser of Vend or of Soi ren. Junior group members of the WVil- liam Dawes chapter 1o f, Children of the American Revolution. will umeet at 2 :11 o'clock Saturday afternoon, Nov ember 20, at the home of their 7= newlv elected s ec r et ary, Joan SSchneible, 214) Central Parkaen, BaiaDtt andr pourcd tea ail uv Slhe.pard. Mr. Vl cry, Nlr-,. Robe~rt M. r>. Arthiur idlc c o f cc. Board Mer&-)ers 44 WILMETTE LIFE